/abs/ - Absurdism

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wojak smoking.jpg
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i realized we (humans) ARE semen, we dont just produce semen(women arent humans).What if Semen is an alien parasite or hivemind entity which has used female eggs to spread itself across the earth? is human semen some kind of mega-virus?
think of it, the brain makes us reproduce,ie:spread semen. and each sperm cell is a "you",its a human,which fuses with an egg..to possibly produce/evolve to maybe a male,who will also produce,and spread,semen.
this is why nofap is so super important. Its holding within the very Self, its denying the universe it's nefarious ploy. male celibacy is the ultimate,the supreme, it means you hold your very own self within yourself.
Replies: >>729
we are cum
Replies: >>726
And also Life has a SCAThological component..everything we eat we will shit out, which will feed maggots  or flies ,which will shit. once we die our bodies will be eaten by maggots,,who will shit out. So in  sense we will become poop.

we are cum which turns into poop..the true Alchemy of Life
Replies: >>727
we are poop.webm
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Humans are the way cars produce more cars.
>unnecessary casual misogyny
Women are sperm too you piece of shit!
Replies: >>730 >>731 >>733
They are inferior sperm
Replies: >>732
OP would never include casual misogyny in his post. His post is beautiful. This is advanced misogyny.
Actually female sperm is bigger and stronger as opposed to male sperm which is more nimble, but also more fragile.
edgy pepe.png
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then they're also poop,dont forget that.
Replies: >>734
Humanity is poop's way of making more poop
Replies: >>735
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>eat the poop
I dont believe it's "waste", humans are moslty bacteria so eating (your own) shit will benefit your bioma and mollecular makeup unless youre an aids-ridden faggot.
Truly, poop reigns Life!
Replies: >>736
Have you considered drowning in shit you miserable piece of badly cared-for furniture?
Replies: >>737
Have you considered ordering your scrawney corpse to be cremated so you foolishly escape the Circle of Shit?
Replies: >>738
I'm gonna trap you into the pee poo farm where your urine and feces will be harvested to fertilize my cannabis plants I will then make you smoke them so you'll become a dirty hippie instead of an edgy asshole.
this thread is clearly about poop.
Replies: >>748
Semen is stored in the butt
Semen comes from the penis hole
poop comes from the anus hole
that is life
i just created the "two holes doctrine"
Replies: >>750
We are so proud of you, do you want it on the fridge with your other poems?
Replies: >>751
smug pepe-wine.jpg
(7.8KB, 233x216)
>file deleted
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