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Despite NOT being a plebbit necbeard, after study neurological,biological and Psychiatric analysis religious thought (specially asceticsm:"self harm",visions("hallucionations"),etc, im considering being an atheist.
my life wouldnt change that much, I would still nofap and donate some money to beggars from my city. 
Any GOOD,actually good books on living in a godless universe? Or for further explanation of how religious is just a mind trip?
Replies: >>767 >>770
If you have even the slightest morals abrahamic religions aren't for you. Chinese and japanese religions are just deep philosophical pits that are quite boring to read about and make even less sense than abrahamic ones. Paganism is great philosophically but it makes least sense as a religion. There are other religions but i only researched these. You probably are sceptical of atheism because people, especially anons, have kneejerk responses to atheism, the way to pass this wall you subconsciously built is acknowledge it exists.
Nietzsche has a lot of books about living without religion but Nietzsche was the OG redditor atheist and women hating incel, i don't think there is anything to learn from him.
Replies: >>768
I have an interest (unironical)in quantum immortality.. maybe "thou shalt die", THAT is the first problem with religion, the notion of :mortality.
no death;no judgement, no reincarnation happens. and not afterlife is /needed/.
Replies: >>770
>religious is just a mind trip?
If you peel it back a bit more you realize that most of stuff is just a mind trip, atheism included. Theist, atheist, both are just labels the mind puts on itself, both are just a vague  representation of the really real reality. What difference does it make to the world if you believe or don't? What difference does it do to you?

Isn't it wonderful how you are involved in this arbitary dichtomy between atheism and theism to the extent you want to read a book about it? These illusions keep us interesting. For best outcomes, don't lock yourself in but study all belief.
Replies: >>773
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>quantum immortality

The only difference between atheism and theism is that a theist attributes will/consciousness/personhood to the animating force(s) of reality. Therefore many religions (certain brands of Taoism, Buddhism, and Neoplatonism, probably more that I don't know of) are atheist religions. Now you have to wonder: by being an atheist, are you rejecting religion, or just creating your own syncretic atheist religion? Is it even possible for a human to live without a religion? Are the millions of greyfaced people walking around with their heads full of postmodernist sludge even really alive? I dunno! Ever since I became a Discordian I've never really needed to think about it.
Replies: >>774
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Why is Eris considered mythology and other gods considered religion?
Replies: >>775
The mind trip is thinking that non-religion is a type of religion (esp. 'atheism' said as if a religion). It's a lack of a concept, not an alternate concept.

brb I need to tend to my eris shrine
On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit.pdf
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Related study.
Replies: >>776
This is why we need feminism.
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Whoops, forgot the data table, the GOOD STUUUFFF.
Can Disorgnaized religion help me where Shrinks and Organized religion failed me?

Replies: >>779 >>782
What's the problem bro? Let's hear your story.
Replies: >>781

I'm not a good story teller when it comes to myself. Let's just say I have a few scammers to pop.
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you dont want to fix your problems
you want to be the master of your own universe with your problems at the center of it. 
you want advice but you want it on your terms. 
therapists are too afraid to tell you the truth and would rather just point out landmarks on your way to truth. 
which is fine. 
except you don't really care about truth, you just want to solve your problems. 
but when some snake oil salesman start to talk about worldbuilding and content creation, you can't get off on the roleplay becuase theres something that takes you out of the fantasy. 

if the truth doesn't work
then go with the metaphors
and if the metaphors dont work 
then you gotta rely on the pataphors.
I have always asserted that the question of whether there is a higher power or not is the least important question to mankind at large and to the human individual. The results of either answer are functionally identical. Either you are living in a world created and maintained for you and your kind for some reason by an inscrutable alien entity whose ways are beyond human interpretation, or you are living in a world where things just happen. Both of these worlds would look and behave precisely the same from the perspective of a person living in them. Thus, the answer doesn't matter. The question un-asks itself. The Chao says Mu.
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