/abs/ - Absurdism

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is there any job where you just have to carry heavy stuff from place to place?
I already have my own house but I want to get involved in the world of manual labor(for ascetic reasons).
Maybe work at a meat processing plant carrying carcasses? construction helper?
Replies: >>822
UPS Ali baba, I dont know what euros have
it's called logistics lol
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Become a parent.
go hang out with the Mexicans that wait for temp work in the morning. (if you're in a country besides America it might be Poles, Libyans, Syrains, or Ukrainians). You'll get put to work doing the kind of shit that destroys your body. And Mexicans are pretty good coworkers generally.

Make sure you look sufficiently downtrodden. The bosses can smell a privileged weakling from miles away.

That is what I do for green paper right now. It is logistics. Do you want an in? Send me an email. I hope you are good at standing on your feet for hours and or can lift 100 lbs and or has a drivers license.
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>Maybe work at a meat processing plant carrying carcasses? construction helper?
I've gotten green paper for the latter and enjoy that sort of work, but I'm not sure you'd really want to go all Upton Sinclair and subject yourself to the former?
>(for ascetic reasons)
I'm well acquainted with the feel of the vidrelated here, but found landscaping and agricultural work to be less toxic. There's green paper and then there's green paper, ya know?
Replies: >>824
landscaping/gardening is that rare job which is extremely physically taxing, but quite enjoyable if you have a certain frame of mind.
When I was a construction grunt the happiest (and weirdest) guys on any site were always gardeners.
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