/abs/ - Absurdism

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what do you think of the aghori philosophy of "God is in everything";,and they mean literally everything, they will eat rotten poop or human corpse's meat to prove their equanimity. are they anti-life pathogen bearers? the wisest men in the world?
If I offered them a "poz load" frozen shot do you think they drink it?
God doesn't exist so it makes no sense.
Replies: >>802 >>803
God is a girl
>he doesnt know shiva is an androgionus deity
Lousy scholarship!
I read a book about them once. well not about them entirely. Apparently when they do stuff like that it's suppose to help them Question what entitlement really means or some such thing. It was forever ago So i honestly dont remember much
Replies: >>805
whoops I meant enlightenment
No contradiction
Am I the only one who would rather eat solid non-liquid dog shit than a human nose mocus?
Replies: >>808 >>809
i eat my own nose mucus all the time and i gotta say eating shit doesn't seem very appealing
Replies: >>810
>Cannibalism or eat shit 
ooooooooo that is a tough one not  going to lie. Do I get to choice which body part or whos doo doo I get to eat> Cause elephant shit looks really rough
Replies: >>810
>Extract your own blood,urine and poop
>consume it
>now your  body can make new urine,blood and poop
would it cause "diminishing returns" or have I just solved world hunger?
Replies: >>811
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I think with the piss/shit you get diminishing returns but the blood thing might work.
God is in everything, but it does not then follow that one should or must take everything God offers into oneself. I am part of everything so God is already in me, it isn't necessary to put more God in me.
Replies: >>827
God is a bitch and we love her, but I doubt she is in my balls atm.
Also kill yourself.
Replies: >>829
How do you know she isn't? Have you opened them up recently? Maybe if you learn to activate the tastebuds in your testicles, you'll find her flavor.
Also no, I don't think I will.
My spiritual goal is to be able to consume a syphilitic woman's diahrrea with relish.
Replies: >>879
I havent done it yet.
I also think consuming semen plus menstrual blood is an Elixiric Cake..I should hire a trans  and a menstruating prostitute con produce the Cake.
I also want to try a diet of cow piss and cow dung cakes..i will order them from india, i guess.
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