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younges man in bolivia.jpg
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Im reading up a lot on transhuamnism(hedonistic imperative,effective altruism),speculative cosmology,qualia studies.
So far I think im a monistic unitarian: there is eternalism (time),one-electron universe, one single mind(open individualism).Also existence is a causal loop,self-created,and cyclical(poincaré recurrence).
am I seeing the Truth,or just going schizo?
all of this is pretty reasonable. Sounds like stuff that I believe when I'm on acid.
Replies: >>845
Yeah that's fucking stupid. And pointless.
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I think that more than one "Models" of the universe can be reconciled.
for example:the universe is both eternal and cyclical,and will die forever in a heat death, because the univere is,also,Everettian, so infinite universes are cyclical AND infinite universes are big bang-heat death timelines
Replies: >>847
when i saw the smol thumbnail of this pic on the frontpage i mistakenly thought it might be a rare thornley
I get that there’s one electron, but how many quarks are there?
Replies: >>877
One electron universe implies theres ping pong paddles at the beginning and the end of time bouncing it back and forth.
Anytime anyone advocates some form of individualism in this day and age i wonder if they've been living in the same century.
Replies: >>864 >>876
Well it's not really that we've had enough variety in the types of individualism, nor the individuals those ideologies produce that we can deem the idea fundamendally unsound. If your "individualism" is about becoming the idealised cultural figure or picking your class and rolling for health, it feels like a very collective form of individualism. The market pressure turns all the great individual enterpreunership type libertarians into essentially a same person, since they are all optimising for the same task. In such standardized enviroment we have created, "individualism" is just an illusion to keep people buying mass produced products that fit their carefully engineered self-image. Meanwhile all the expression of true individualism are either repressed from the directions of both state and culture, or hastily standardized into a easily digestible form that lacks all of its former beauty and liberatory potential.
Replies: >>876
i dont mean individualism in the society sense,there are models of personal identity,ontologically
depends how many ducks there are
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