/abs/ - Absurdism

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Do you ever play devil's advocate without announcing it?
What about Eris's advocate?
I often find myself uncertain about what my true intentions are. In times like these I like to abuse my anonymity and let each thought strain take its own course within a debate.
It's like arguing against your own good, most of the time - as you're challenging set social norms in that environment and getting personally invested in an argument you're not even sure you truly support.
What the fuck is this feeling?
Replies: >>860
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I find most arguments tiresome and/or boring. The lack of Real Truth in most situations means that actually really believing something is for chumps. Instead one ought to say some things that you find relevant and interesting, react to whatever others say, and flow from there. That comes out sometimes as "Devils Advocate" to the unenlightened. In reality it's just attempting to have an argument worth arguing over.

There are two kinds of argumentors that don't react well to this: the True Believers and the Wet Noodles. The True Believer is interested primarily in conformity and the Wet Noodle is interested primarily in making sure there are no hard feelings etc. Unfortunately these two groups make up the fast majority of humoids.

A Real Truth (that is , a set of truths which everyone agrees are the logical priors in a situation) means that an argument is really more like a technical quibble. Ironically I find those far more pleasant than actual arguments simply because there is a shared understanding of The Point Of It All. I feel most alive when I'm talking about relative merits of different memory allocation algorithms.
Replies: >>857
>a set of truths which everyone agrees are the logical priors in a situation
I disagree, that's not Real Truth.
It's less about capital T truth and more about what actions you can take that are in your best interest. 
Happiness doesn't always go hand in hand with integrity.
Replies: >>858
What's so special about your self-interest? Everyone and their uncle got one.
Replies: >>859
no that'd be weird.
It's normal to have a million different self-interests, a bunch of which are mutually exclusive. That's the moral choice.

I don't advocate for the devil but he is a pretty nice guy, he lawyers and doesn't afraid of anything, and according to The Bible, he has a lower kill count than Yahweh.

In all seriousness I don't care about The Real Truth ™. I am a fan of the hypothetical imperative by  Immanuel Kant. Once a goal is defined and agreed upon, we can find a best and worst case path to the goal.
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