/abs/ - Absurdism

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Replies: >>88 >>125 >>133
But what does it mean? Why does symmetrical forms constitute for order, but organic ones for chaos?
Replies: >>90
It doesn't look chaotic.
Order is something that's stupid enough to fit inside your miniscule mammaliqn brain. Chaos is everything.
This looks neat, but it is clearly not chaos, only order.  Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the square and triangle patterns with out them being shoved in your face like this, and anyone with three can see the star as these are clearly orbiting dots following the same path.
Replies: >>130
The point might also be that, in reality, things may seem chaotic on the surface, but looking deeper reveals an obvious order to things.
Replies: >>131 >>133
my opinion's big penis vs your opinion's penis.png
(440.7KB, 640x480)
no, no no, wrong, wrong, wrong, things appear to be ordered on the surface obscuring the true chaos underneath.
Replies: >>132
Wow, a real life expert here on Erischan.org!
No, no. >>130, >>131're both wrong. There is no hidden order nor chaos, nor is the world ordered or chaotic. It's all just fictions we make for ourselves. Some fictions might be better than others, and I like some fictions better than others. I should know, I'm an expert. (Can't you tell by my accent?)—Where was I? Ah yes: for example, fundamentally I'm a solipsist, but the fiction where you exist is nice, so I choose to believe in you. Now to answer a reader's question:
>Why does symmetrical forms constitute for order, but organic ones for chaos?
Ah, an easy one: Order in this sense really means formal simplicity, while chaos is each next moment defined by only the previous.
>>87 would have been nice were it to let us see for ourselves first. Like telling the punchline of a joke before the audience finished hearing the setup.
It's almost like the chaos was always there, but you couldn't see it before the lines made it obvious. What did you mix in the powder, that feels GOODD!!!
Replies: >>171
>What did you mix in the powder, that feels GOODD!!!
Monosodium glutimate, the one true god.
Replies: >>204
The One True Flavor!
The one true God gives me a headache.
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