/abs/ - Absurdism

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(68.8KB, 1080x1044)
What is an outside joke?

A joke that can be understood by anyone who comes across it, rather than requiring special history or knowledge.
  A joke that doesn't divide people and set them up against each other, but brings them together.
  A joke that highlights all the things we have in common, without casting anyone aside, sacrificing them on the altar of humor.

Such object would be a powerful tool, a memetic spell working towards getting outsiders in, rather than working towards inward cohesion. Would you really want the inside to be all at the same frequency? Fuck no, any inside requires multitude of diverse functions not to implode.
  Outside on the other hand, is the realm of signals. You don't want your joke get dampened out on your doorstep. You don't want your joke to get blocked by the walls, or reflecting back at you. You've already heard it, besides being boring it also drowns out more interesting information that might be trying to reach you from the outside.

Outside joke isn't designed to be repeated. You hear it once, pass it on and forget it. It wastes less space, in memory and in time, than all the regular condititoning that is thriving in this environment. If we want the world to become less mechanistic, less uniform, less controlled, less serious we need outside jokes.

Seriously, we need them.
Why did the chicken cross the road?

To go tell her friend an awesome joke.
How many sides does a joke have?

According to the restaurant I just went to and the steak they served, one.
Trips can be understood by anyone, so check 'em!
Replies: >>901
Trips require more memetic interference to be energy inducing.
If Max Stirner and Albert Camus had a baby, what would they call it?
People online want to know if im on the left side or the right side
but I prefer outside

Replies: >>950
(124.1KB, 843x843)
Which side of a house gets the most sun on it?

the outside!
Schadenfreude is universally understood.
Ergo, we should hurt people more to bring love and harmony to the world.
Replies: >>950
Base'd And Pille'd   

People keep asking me if im introverted or extroverted.

bro im inverted. 
(long pause)
(akward laugh track)
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