/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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(40.7KB, 118x212)
In a couple of hundred years, a benevolent post-scarce society will attempt to exhume all salvageable brains and revive them in a utopian virtual reality for as long as they wish to remain. They will be able to search extrapolated statistics about their lives and times, read about the history after their deaths and the causes of events that happened in their lives, and simulate alternative histories.
Replies: >>891 >>1301
Will the software be proprietary? I'd rather be blasted into nothingness for eternity than be revived with a Windows computer.
I don't give my permission to salvage my brain for this purpose. Buzz off
Replies: >>893
Nahhh if they wake people up they gonna be used as cheap labor. You gonna end up working at the VR McDonalds for all eternity. Destroy your brain and all the proof you ever existed, thst's the only way to be safe.
Replies: >>893 >>894
Your subconsciousness clearly wanted to survive.

No, McGondals is easily automated. We will be used for military weapons.
Replies: >>896 >>897
finally, I have an excuse to drink heavily until I die.
Replies: >>895
I for one intend to continue afterward
While automation is easy and cheap, studies show that customers get anxiety from being served by their undead ancestors, making them likely to spend more money to appease the spirits. This will easily compensate the additional costs caused by revival of the dead.
>Your subconsciousness clearly wanted to survive.
It's exactly the opposite - my subconsciousness clearly wants me dead. If I don't focus on something I catch myself imagining shooting myself in the head or slitting my throat. Only my consciousness keeps me from doing that
Replies: >>898
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your subconscious is helpfully reminding you not to do these things. Trust your friendly subconscious!
Replies: >>899 >>900 >>1295
that is a higly specific picture
What is this pleroma, it sounds like a disease
Replies: >>902
It's a social media. You answered you own question : D : D :DDDDDDDDD
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fuck that guy, he owes me money
Replies: >>1300
longcap is long!
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My own personalized utopian virtual reality would be wild, I'd prefer a robot body. Preferably of a robot baboon. My name will be Barborbot. 

Could this method be viable for technical technological lichdom?
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