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I'm going to read this R.A.W. classic, what am I in for?
Depends, do you have any experience with similar books?
Replies: >>909
Is that a caveman
Is this a paleo pun?
Replies: >>909 >>1035
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I want to like funny discordia man, so of course my prover arranged for me to suddenly remember many cases confirming the theory of the thinker and the prover. I'm not sure about the exercizes, what's the chance of finding foreign currency lying around? Maybe if I believe it hard enough… But for that I will need some jazz. The last exercize sounds cool tho, I'll surely try that one.

I'm not sure, what kind of book is this? Self-help, psychology, pseudoscience? I tried reading the Illuminatus! trilogy but that sucked.

I didn't even realize that Robert is long for Bob.
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Originally I planned to write something about each chapter but I won't bore you with it. I'm up to chapter 8 now, and boy, was R.A.W. overly optimistic about California!

A suspicious amount of the exercizes involve consuming drugs. I still don't understand why the imprints are called circuits. Are they like electronic circuits? I guess computers were the hip new thing at that time but it feels a bit wrong to me.
Replies: >>1038
I'm disappointed that there are no exercizes for imprinting Circuit VI, at least not at the end of the chapter, do I need to read Ballard to get in touch with the collective DNA circuit?
> 5. Lie on your back and pant rapidly to the count of 20. (Each exhale-inhale cycle counts as one, not as two.) Panting means breathing rapidly through your mouth, as forbidden by almost all experts on health, but this is only an exercise, not a full-time practice. When you reach 20, stop and resume nose-breathing, in the slow, rhythmic manner recommended by yogis, to the count of 20. Then repeat the panting to the count of 20. Then repeat proper yoga breathing.
> This is known as the “breath of fire” in Tantric yoga. The results are most amusing and enlightening. Try it!*
I tried this, but I am not sure if I did it right. Do I only need to do the cycle twice, like in the description? How do I know if I am doing it right? When I tried it, the only thing I noticed was that all kinds of random memories came to mind.
Replies: >>1038
> Whenever you meet a young male or female, ask yourself consciously, “If it came to hand-to-hand combat, could I beat him/her’?” Then try to determine how much of your behavior is based on unconsciously asking and answering that question via pre-verbal “body language.”
I started doing this and now I am afraid of leaving my room.
It's from an anime called Prometheus and Bob.
>I still don't understand why the imprints are called circuits
IDK, Ask Timothy Leary… hold on, Timothy Leary is dead. So, maybe ask Antero Alli instead?
>Do I only need to do the cycle twice, like in the description? How do I know if I am doing it right? When I tried it, the only thing I noticed was that all kinds of random memories came to mind
That's something anyway. Practice longer and things might get weirder. Wim Hoff method is a contemporary and popular example of something similar. Other traditions have other variations, of course. 
>this is only an exercise, not a full-time practice
That was only an exercise and practice makes perfect~ practice.
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I did the exercise where you get drunk, pund on the table, and tell those assholes how you REALLY feel about them. I am no longer invited to family reunions, thank Eris.
Replies: >>1042
Very nice. I'm still on the exercise where you brace your core in a plank position, then push downwards with your hands, around nipple level. Soon I will get to the vocal exercises. I have a couple of relatives who are getting the nice talk for too long. They just can't take a fucking hint.
Believe that you can exceed all your previous ambitions
and hopes in all areas of your life.
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