I feel like globalism is slowly killing creativity.
In ancient times it'd take at least a whole day to travel from one city to the next, and as such every city had their own cults, culture, words, mystique, etc. With the ease of travel, the ease of communication and the standardization of time, religion, measurements, weight, units, and everything else, the world is slowly becoming "more of the same".
The United States might yet be the worst example. half a continent with similar views.
I'm not looking for individuals here, I'm looking for communities. It's happening in places like India, Africa, South-east Asia. All slowly drifting towards monoculture.
Why can't people be more original with their culture and beliefs? Why is everyone in America either christian or atheist, democrat or republican? It's like an ice cream bar where the only flavor is vanilla.
Going on vacation in Europe as a European doesn't mean shit anymore. Everywhere is the same, coping with the same problems.
I'm personally hoping for some cataclysmic event just so the world falls into a new dark age and every country falls apart into fragments, just so the world is just a tiny bit more interesting than this boring mess.