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I want to become extremely fanatical and devoted to longevity and anti-aging;the reason is that I want to "see the future",and enjoy my super disabilitybux and freedom limitless,once my parents die. Thus, I ask for advice on these several,multiple factors im willing to change and adjust to live to 120:
>climate;im willing to move within my country-hot,cold,dry,wet,..whats best?
>diet: So far, I do Ray Peat dietary guidelines
>resting heart rate and body temperature:high or low?
>body fat %
Replies: >>1017
You don't need to live until brain scanning and whole brain emulation exist, you only need to survive until brain preservation is sufficient to get your brain far enough into the future they have that shit.
Bad news: current cryonics companies have failed to demonstrate they don't destroy important information. (they may well preserve it, but have failed to demonstrate this)
Good news: Glutaraldehyde Stabilized Cryopreservation HAS been shown to preserve all molecules thought to be involved in long term memory formation (i.e. all changes persisting >= 24H).
Bad news: ASC isn't commercially available, though Nectome is working on this.
Good news: You can improv. ASC with achievable equipment + training.
vid related.

Exercise, don't smoke, and above all raise awareness that ASC should be legally available.
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