/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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The invasion of Poland was the beginning of the end of the world. The apocalypse reached its zenith in 1944. Since then we've just been living through the post-apocalypse. All fiction set post-1944 is post-apocalyptic fiction.
Replies: >>1021
Finally, somebody gets it.
Yea dude, it's not that big deal. You'd rather live scared awaiting for your doom?
Replies: >>1020
(132.5KB, 596x1348)
don't have to wait for it if it's already here!
~Think of the savings~
Fuck that fake end of the world.
Give me the real deal or give me death.
Replies: >>1022
(753.1KB, 4032x3024)
immanentize it yourself fgt
even a coffe lid is thus come
what's your excuse?
Replies: >>1023
Fck immanentizing it meself. It was a call to OP and all anyone who says "the end is near" etc.

Either give me a proper end of the world of eff off.
Replies: >>1024 >>1054
you were born in le wrong generation lad. The eschaton already got immanetized and you can't un-immanetize it, that wouldn't be sporting.
OP didn't say the end is near you illiterate bastard. He said the end's been here and gone. You fucking missed it.
Replies: >>1055 >>1056
We are doing weekly eschatons at johnny's house, stop by next thursday if you want!
I didn't write that OP said the end is near you illiterate bastard. I wrote 
>OP and all anyone who says "the end is near" etc.
You fucking misunderstood it.
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