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(7.1KB, 310x163)
After years of relying on parent's car-drides(I dont drive myself) to go to somewhere, I started using the various bus,subway and train vehicles of public transport. Im growing obsessed with it and want to try ALL journeys/paths. For example: taking a train at the first station, getting down on the last station:the whole track.And then do this with the 3 trains of my city.
I want to start writing down my travels and journeys.A similar obsession is going to an unecesarily far-away place from my home to do some hobby. for example: a gym 2 hours from my house,even tho there's a gym 15 minutes from my residence.
>i have disabilitybux, so free passport for public transport
>i have disabilitybux, so free passport for public transport
What the hell that's awesome. Non-working people just get discounts here.

Any cool corners you go past? Have some areas got better graffiti than others?
Replies: >>997
i hate 100% all graffiti
or maybe 99% ,cartoon characters are cool, like a snoopy graffiti
I feel Cities are a kind of lovecraftian-onthological entity,and I want to connect.
the ruralist countryside is a place of spiritual devastation IMO;basially trauma programming enforced by living conditions
Replies: >>998
I can appreciate street art and people drawing characters, yeah, but writing up a tag is just stupid. Agreed.
Replies: >>999
Those are sigils
Replies: >>1000
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Some person recently stuck stickers with hand drawn sigils all around the area where I live. I wonder what they meant by that.
Replies: >>1002
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>Some person recently stuck stickers with hand drawn sigils all around the area where I live. I wonder what they meant by that.
I might know what those sigils mean.
Do you have pictures of those sigils?
Replies: >>1003
(48KB, 667x700)
Something like this
update: I will "infiltrate" every "street" movement, a kind of Sinister insight role. the leftists movements,the homeless-helping do-gooders of the city.dozens of ngos and volunteer works,all troughout the week.
this is my fanaticism,this is how I does thing.
Replies: >>1008
shoo shoo o9a. go back to playing 3d chess and having your prostate gland ravaged in communion with demons (CIA agents in red body paint).
Replies: >>1009
Not that dweller, but how is that related to the O9A?
The DS is more mystical than them anyhow (if you dig deep enough)
Replies: >>1013
>Not that dweller
Of course you're not, Cabbage.
If I had to guess that other Dweller probably figured
>Sinister insight role
as being O9A vernacular.
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