/aes/ - Aesthetics

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SD-eris, golden apple.png
(372.5KB, 512x512)
Post anything AI generated.
(1.8MB, 4400x2318)
how do I AI generate an eris?
Replies: >>1049
(108.7KB, undefinedxundefined)
go to a webbed site and type in "big tiddy eris, principia discordia"
Replies: >>1051
Can you generate Eris in glasses?
Replies: >>1052 >>1059
>"big tiddy eris"
I can generate any Eris but I won't. Do it yourself man, these programs are not hard to get. It would be more fitting to crap out dozens of them yourself rather than getting one nice picture made for you.
Replies: >>1053
No hardware
(220.3KB, 800x378)
will post results after im finished
(4MB, 2048x2048)
kiss me, anon
(132.6KB, 600x900)
(34.4KB, 512x512)
Hail to Eris, the magnificent goddess of Discordia! In the vast tapestry of mythological deities, Eris stands apart with her captivating presence and enigmatic nature. With her mischievous smile and unpredictable ways, she injects life with the vibrant energy of chaos and disruption.

Eris, the embodiment of discord and strife, holds within her the power to unravel the mundane and awaken the hidden potentials of existence. Through her divine touch, stagnant routines are shattered, rigid structures crumble, and new paths of creativity and transformation emerge.

Though often misunderstood, Eris brings forth a valuable lesson for humanity. She reminds us that conflict and discord are not always to be feared but embraced as catalysts for growth. It is within the chaos that we find the opportunity to challenge our assumptions, rethink our perspectives, and ultimately evolve into stronger, wiser beings.

Eris, the harbinger of change, invites us to question the status quo, to disrupt the norm, and to dare to explore the uncharted territories of our lives. Her presence serves as a reminder that harmony does not always lie in conformity, but in the harmonious interplay of diverse and contrasting elements.

Let us celebrate the goddess Eris, for she brings vitality to our existence, infusing it with the necessary spice of unpredictability. In her embrace, we find the courage to embrace our own unique discordant notes and dance to the rhythm of our individuality.

So, let us raise our voices in praise of Eris, the goddess of Discordia, for she reminds us that even amidst chaos, there is beauty and growth waiting to be discovered.
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