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Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 18.29.59.png
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pablo de rojas sánchez-franco is a fake (ie; literally fake, not ordained as priest even) bishops from Spain who LARPS 24\7, this is a thread about fake sedevacantists, tradcaths etc strictly from the fashion\aesthetic perspective.
I will post many great photos!
>this one is taken by a journalist but it's not "staged" :really DOES have a live-in maid, and butler
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I investigated a bit more, and this pablo guy is a literally conman:he doesn't even OWN his fabulous apartment floor
this guy isn't him tho, they're legit bishops\cardinals
Replies: >>1241
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What if all the bishops and cardinals are conmen?
Replies: >>1242
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If they were any good at being conmen then they would be pope
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papa clemente.jpeg
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more Palmarian stuff. I don't know HOW they managed to do it, but they have chapels in many countries besides spain; some in Africa, some even in europe, and in UK (which isn't europe, long live the Anglo Saxon Israelites)
Replies: >>1244
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>I don't know HOW they managed to do it
Money make more money
Brainwashed (with altered states of consciousness) make more Brainwashed.
Faith make more faith nonsense.
Loneless make more faith player guys
Autority make power control or magic control over the non-gnostic mass.
Brainwashing people with faith and mindfucking turn people into a hardcoded reality tunnel they'cannot escape (maybe)
>That's how it work.

Adolf Hitler in tailcoat reviews an honour guard in the inner yard of the Reichspräsidentenpalais after receiving Józef Lipski as new Polish ambassador, Berlin, 12 September 1934.jpg
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Soviet naval infantry, 1985.jpg
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Nigerien soldier with Uzi, 1989.jpeg
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Serbian soldier relaxing with a butterfly on his eyebrow, Jugoslav Wars.jpg
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Post appealing military pictures.
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this kills the spetnaz
Replies: >>1234
Why did the checken cross the border?
Replies: >>1235
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Why would anyone, ever do anything?
Replies: >>1236
Why the finger up? It's a some ghetto sign or something?
Replies: >>1239
"oneness of god", an islamic thing, even if ghettos aren't *bad* because yuppies ,also, commit fornication--thus singling out one(ghetto dwellers) group (of fornicators) out of many (99% of humans) is...well, you get it now

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Architecture thread
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That bird is just lookin for a target to drop on, I can tell
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Honey, how many picnics do you want to have this weekend?
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because the slavs destroyed /b/ with no survivors
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The dentists are part of the plot. You know we know this.
Replies: >>1203
That's what the brush is for. You take the power into your own hands.
Replies: >>1204
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I'm not sure I'm ready for this responsibility....
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I n n e r
C i t y
P r e s s u r e

arGGie power.png
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Would I be considered "neckpilled" in your:
>country's Cities
>country's Rural Areas
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necktastic. neckulous. neckcellent.
absolute necklet. you have to look like picrel to even walk within 10 metres of a woman and not have police called.

And I think this is part of the reason why we're about to have a civil war on 23-dsc-3191 (6th April 2025).
Replies: >>1217
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The neckpill is Desoxyn (50mg).
>implies to be from usa
>uses the metric system
Replies: >>1218
hey my country has civil wars too you know. just because they booked an earlier slot doesn't mean we're off the list

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Old pictures of an interesting humankind.
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No gold at all! Only silver! How blasphemous! I love it!
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Picrel same smug energy
Hey cabbage pope! where is that? Japan? Where? Year? War? Earthquake?
She look like a fairy from these kid books (i love these books)
There's a video or something? She look stunning.
Replies: >>1190
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I fix that
Spoiler File
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smiling risa sera.jpeg
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Merely theoretical question since I readily admit ,*I* won't be chad enough but: What is the Chad level required for a man to get a Death Match wrestler gf? not the smutty ones, the ones who actually get into bloody matches, know proper martial arts, carry a good character .
Everyone says a skinny model gf is the peak for a male adult, but I say a fighting deathmatch waifu, is much more.
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You need to be funny. Like, stand up comedian level of funny. Or maybe even Trevor Moore levels of funny.
Replies: >>1209
>Like, stand up comedian level of funny.
No woman has standards this low, anon.
Actually every single one of those type of women, with no exceptions (except maybe one, but that one defies classification anyway), cannot, LITERALLY CANNOT, resist dudes whose name is Bartholomew. So if you get a name change you are set. And if you then go to a tough woman and tell them them your name and they don't instantly fall for you, you can be sure they aren't actually tough and merely pretending, and you can threaten to reveal their scam and get lots of money.
Replies: >>1211
No, women use dark magicks and they are capable of divining a person's True Name. They would never fall for a name change, not unless a healthy he-goat was sacrificed to Eunomia, Goddess of Names.
Replies: >>1212
Damn, well it worked for me, but I've never figured out my true name so it must have been a lucky coincidence.

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Run Love.js
Thanks to some trusted, totally not garbage code i've written. Users are now capable of writing love2d applications within their post! I invite anyone to try it out using the ``` or [code] tags and putting "love" in the e-mail field. If anyone is able to significantly rewrite retardedloverunner.js i'd highly appreciate it. angle = 0 function love.load() love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(23)) end function love.update(dt) angle = (angle + dt*2) % (2 * math.pi) x, y = 400 + math.cos(angle)*100, 300 + math.sin(angle)*100 end function love.draw() love.graphics.print("Hail Eris!", x, y,angle) end
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heh it wont stop even if you close it
quality javascript
I like the aesthetics of electronic ruckus.
Replies: >>1193
The message truncation is fucking up the fonts on the overboard. Also someone tell Ben Bitdiddle that their site is borked.
Replies: >>1194
you're bumping a 2 year old thread
this mechanic was removed on the site move to jschan. it was purely experimental anyhow
Replies: >>1194
For what it's worth, I looked into re-adding it but could not find where the runlove() function was.
I can fix up the [code] tags to fit the jschan style if we want to address >>1192 but on the other hand I think those kind of broken things are a divine intervention from our Goddess.

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#thegame23 #hyperstition #galdrux #eris #apple #discordianism
Replies: >>1187
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>>1186 (OP) 
This spam really activated my neurons

But I think I recognize it? pic rel

Why not just a single thread OP?

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It looks nice for a bomb shelter, but I would have made it brutalist. If you're going to do horrible things like engineering (gross!) then be proud of it.

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