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smiling risa sera.jpeg
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Merely theoretical question since I readily admit ,*I* won't be chad enough but: What is the Chad level required for a man to get a Death Match wrestler gf? not the smutty ones, the ones who actually get into bloody matches, know proper martial arts, carry a good character .
Everyone says a skinny model gf is the peak for a male adult, but I say a fighting deathmatch waifu, is much more.
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You need to be funny. Like, stand up comedian level of funny. Or maybe even Trevor Moore levels of funny.
Replies: >>1209
>Like, stand up comedian level of funny.
No woman has standards this low, anon.
Actually every single one of those type of women, with no exceptions (except maybe one, but that one defies classification anyway), cannot, LITERALLY CANNOT, resist dudes whose name is Bartholomew. So if you get a name change you are set. And if you then go to a tough woman and tell them them your name and they don't instantly fall for you, you can be sure they aren't actually tough and merely pretending, and you can threaten to reveal their scam and get lots of money.
Replies: >>1211
No, women use dark magicks and they are capable of divining a person's True Name. They would never fall for a name change, not unless a healthy he-goat was sacrificed to Eunomia, Goddess of Names.
Replies: >>1212
Damn, well it worked for me, but I've never figured out my true name so it must have been a lucky coincidence.

because the slavs destroyed /b/ with no survivors
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(101.2KB, 1280x720)

What do you mean:? This room has been thoroughly examined for vermin:!
The dentists are part of the plot. You know we know this.
Replies: >>1203
That's what the brush is for. You take the power into your own hands.
Replies: >>1204
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I'm not sure I'm ready for this responsibility....

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Old pictures of an interesting humankind.
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About to stab a fool with that hair.
No gold at all! Only silver! How blasphemous! I love it!
(56.8KB, 860x1075)
Picrel same smug energy
Hey cabbage pope! where is that? Japan? Where? Year? War? Earthquake?
She look like a fairy from these kid books (i love these books)
There's a video or something? She look stunning.
Replies: >>1190
(9KB, 240x240)
I fix that
Spoiler File
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Run Love.js
Thanks to some trusted, totally not garbage code i've written. Users are now capable of writing love2d applications within their post! I invite anyone to try it out using the ``` or [code] tags and putting "love" in the e-mail field. If anyone is able to significantly rewrite retardedloverunner.js i'd highly appreciate it. angle = 0 function love.load() love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(23)) end function love.update(dt) angle = (angle + dt*2) % (2 * math.pi) x, y = 400 + math.cos(angle)*100, 300 + math.sin(angle)*100 end function love.draw() love.graphics.print("Hail Eris!", x, y,angle) end
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heh it wont stop even if you close it
quality javascript
I like the aesthetics of electronic ruckus.
Replies: >>1193
The message truncation is fucking up the fonts on the overboard. Also someone tell Ben Bitdiddle that their site is borked.
Replies: >>1194
you're bumping a 2 year old thread
this mechanic was removed on the site move to jschan. it was purely experimental anyhow
Replies: >>1194
For what it's worth, I looked into re-adding it but could not find where the runlove() function was.
I can fix up the [code] tags to fit the jschan style if we want to address >>1192 but on the other hand I think those kind of broken things are a divine intervention from our Goddess.

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#thegame23 #hyperstition #galdrux #eris #apple #discordianism
Replies: >>1187
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>>1186 (OP) 
This spam really activated my neurons

But I think I recognize it? pic rel

Why not just a single thread OP?

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It looks nice for a bomb shelter, but I would have made it brutalist. If you're going to do horrible things like engineering (gross!) then be proud of it.

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I see for any reason why we ought naught have a thread dedicated to this peculiar fine art. The divine emollient which we succor our philocaly. 

In less stupid terms: This thread is dedicated to the appreciation of poetry and its various Writers. 

What pieces do you like? Do you have a favorite poet? Do you write poetry yourself? What works might have inspired you? 

Post anything you like. 

Be warned! What you read in this thread cannot be unread!

The picrel is a piece by Ol' Greg Hill. I never knew the man to be a poet. Yet with this piece, I cannot help but feel stirred.
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>OP Gregpost
It's definitely congruent with the philosophy they helped found. Existential angst is a common universal theme, like the love song, yet I'm always relieved when it resists the tired power of edge, nor pathetic surrender, but instead showing sober modesty.
czech friend.webp
(68KB, 960x1204)
If you don't know what poetry is, how did you just write one?
I was here but now I'm not
I have gone to smoke some pot
I left this poem to prove a point
Life ain't shit without a joint
(49.2KB, 384x288)
The Wither Forecast (in Doric)
The halls of hell are empty,
The demons only live in my head.
For in truth, all of hell,
Is filled with the ungrateful dead.

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We now return to the computer-generated graphics thread.
Every graphic that you see on this site is computer generated.
Replies: >>1175
death to computers.webp
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Post things that aren't real, but look real.
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Replies: >>1173
w-what does the aqua one do?
Replies: >>492 >>942 >>1172
Blue capsule of death

Don't listen to those jokers. The aqua one is inert. You take it at the end of your cycle so you don't lose the habit of taking a pill everyday.
>>438 (OP) 
>System7 blister packs
Systemd blister packs should be a thing.

Polite sage Don't Bump because these letters are real even if they don't look it and I don't want to derail the thread by straying off topic like that and so on.

(1.7MB, 632x482, 00:34)
is this correct
i also wanna do it like sonic, but i dont want any code with the 0 stripe/angle in it grrrr
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here's what you'll say next.webp
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That's the thing I've just never understood about internet schizophrenics. It's the same deal with the ANORECTAL VIOLENCE.pdf autist. They go to a community and start crying about their own crap no-one cares about, attack anyone trying to explain why we don't understand nor care about their off-topic junk, they regurgitate a few buzzwords they heard from the last place that told them to fuck off, and then hang around for five hours waiting for the community they are attacking to help them with their inane crap.

<> consider the following <>

⇢ There are only 5 people who ever visit erischan and you have called all of them 'retard' or 'faggot'.
⇢ erischan does not want to help you. erischan has never helped you.
⇢ erischan will never answer your questions.


There is no clearer way to explain these simple facts. We know they've read this, just like they read similar posts last year trying to help them.

And yet, they will mechanically reply to this post with a weird childish retort and keep watching this thread, waiting for Godot to answer their weird art questions that no-one can even understand let alone care about. Then, they will try and make a new thread, with no lesson understood, as if they expect something different to happen.
It's sad. I've seen people lose their memory and this has the same demented character. But since no-o
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Replies: >>1164 >>1166
That or admindude bans him again
Replies: >>1166
you always feel attacked by default. maybe if you havent been racist...
>retard or fag
im blending in just fine. 
well, you,...are not erischan. there was the sonic stuff.
you just did
>the rest of it.
tldr, you cant find meaning. why are you even insulted? LEL
of course they do. to avoid you all getting heart attacks or getting too excited, maybe let the pro then do their job, and stop hijacking the conversation
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where's the Mike pope when u need em? Come on, make this the new Mike thread. Or maybe Liru. Whatever.
Replies: >>1168
this thread is not worthy of the almighty catposter

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