/aes/ - Aesthetics

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is this correct
i also wanna do it like sonic, but i dont want any code with the 0 stripe/angle in it grrrr
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here's what you'll say next.webp
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That's the thing I've just never understood about internet schizophrenics. It's the same deal with the ANORECTAL VIOLENCE.pdf autist. They go to a community and start crying about their own crap no-one cares about, attack anyone trying to explain why we don't understand nor care about their off-topic junk, they regurgitate a few buzzwords they heard from the last place that told them to fuck off, and then hang around for five hours waiting for the community they are attacking to help them with their inane crap.

<> consider the following <>

⇢ There are only 5 people who ever visit erischan and you have called all of them 'retard' or 'faggot'.
⇢ erischan does not want to help you. erischan has never helped you.
⇢ erischan will never answer your questions.


There is no clearer way to explain these simple facts. We know they've read this, just like they read similar posts last year trying to help them.

And yet, they will mechanically reply to this post with a weird childish retort and keep watching this thread, waiting for Godot to answer their weird art questions that no-one can even understand let alone care about. Then, they will try and make a new thread, with no lesson understood, as if they expect something different to happen.
It's sad. I've seen people lose their memory and this has the same demented character. But since no-o
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Replies: >>1164 >>1166
That or admindude bans him again
Replies: >>1166
you always feel attacked by default. maybe if you havent been racist...
>retard or fag
im blending in just fine. 
well, you,...are not erischan. there was the sonic stuff.
you just did
>the rest of it.
tldr, you cant find meaning. why are you even insulted? LEL
of course they do. to avoid you all getting heart attacks or getting too excited, maybe let the pro then do their job, and stop hijacking the conversation
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where's the Mike pope when u need em? Come on, make this the new Mike thread. Or maybe Liru. Whatever.
Replies: >>1168
this thread is not worthy of the almighty catposter

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Looking for a study or explanations on how does image quality relates to the traffic it brings

From renderings to theme to contents
Do you know the meaning of quality? It's essence?

Its many forms? 

Elusive, like Order before Eris' gaze, it front runs our sensation of it. Our sensation of it butchers the original qualia into a homonculus of it's former glory, hopefully compatible with the filters of its beholders. 

Quality, in point of fact, is repugnant to most that behold it, but slowly unfurls itself to the wise through frequent visitation. This leading us to the problem with your question. 

You believe/perceive Quality to be a static tangible. Stop thinking of it as such and as more of a negation. 

Quality exists as the void of suffering. Traffic does not flock to Quality. A flock exists, because therein can be found some semblance or aspect of Quality. 

If that manifestation of Quality is repugnant to you, then take heart, for Quality transcends the mere accident of any one particular manifestation of itself. In some way, you may coax out that type of Quality you desire. 

And finally, fuck the attention whoring. The hell is wrong with you. Be happy, and shepherd others through their journey to deshittify through judicious application of filters. 
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Replies: >>1106 >>1160
capitalist piglet.png
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more of that.png
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You're bumping a two year old post from a mentally insane indonesian who spams this shit on dozens of different sites, and pretty sure they're banned so they won't reply.
Replies: >>1160
No need for country naming. I m not a faggot like you whose inane braincells have degraded to only geographic extracurricular answers. Gobac to reddit now. Or better. Hangout with your ownself, smartass
>>1103 how about make it more mathemathical in definition
Replies: >>1161
If mathematics is so good, then how come your sprites don't even rotate?
>go back!
We live here. You go back.
Replies: >>1165
Well your description is even wor- hey that's different thread.

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Old pictures of an interesting humankind.
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<> Targets spotted. Deliver fines on sight. <>

That's an illegal body part. The Court has deemed this unnatural behavior to be a threat to functioning society.

That's an illegal body part. The Court has deemed this unnatural behavior to be a threat to functioning society.

That's an illegal body part. The Court has deemed this unnatural behavior to be a threat to functioning society.

That's  body part. The Court has deemed unnatur behavior  threat to function

<> Squad retreating. Too many fine targets spotted. Requesting full-scale raid at a later date. <>
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Replies: >>1124
Patrick Stewart before enrolling in theatre studies.

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I see for any reason why we ought naught have a thread dedicated to this peculiar fine art. The divine emollient which we succor our philocaly. 

In less stupid terms: This thread is dedicated to the appreciation of poetry and its various Writers. 

What pieces do you like? Do you have a favorite poet? Do you write poetry yourself? What works might have inspired you? 

Post anything you like. 

Be warned! What you read in this thread cannot be unread!

The picrel is a piece by Ol' Greg Hill. I never knew the man to be a poet. Yet with this piece, I cannot help but feel stirred.
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I have no idea what poetry is or how it works.
Replies: >>1132 >>1134
Poetry is masking the fnords with fancy grammar

And there are no rules
>OP Gregpost
It's definitely congruent with the philosophy they helped found. Existential angst is a common universal theme, like the love song, yet I'm always relieved when it resists the tired power of edge, nor pathetic surrender, but instead showing sober modesty.
czech friend.webp
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If you don't know what poetry is, how did you just write one?
I was here but now I'm not
I have gone to smoke some pot
I left this poem to prove a point
Life ain't shit without a joint

no more than 10 frames allowed.png
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Post good short films here.
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Replies: >>1014
What VLC does when you are not using it
 The Atrocity Exhibition (JG Ballard and the Motorcar) [1970] 
Replies: >>1116
🗿They🗿 may not like it, but this was peak cyberpunk. It even has sexy scenes.

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Just stamps.
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These look cool. Kinda look like those images you'd find at the bottom of webpages in the 90s
Replies: >>976
80's aesthetics have already gone big in the past few years, Erisians must persist at the forefront of nostalgia!
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This one had a touch of chaos in the top left corner.
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because the slavs destroyed /b/ with no survivors
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Replies: >>1097
I need a woman about twice my height, statuesque, raven-tressed, a goddess of the strife.
Replies: >>1100
Oh shit, I know some exactly like that, want me to hook you two up?
Replies: >>1111

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if they can have music for sitting in a lounge or standing in an elevator, why cant we have music for other settings? give me music to unload my dishwasher to. music to shout at the birds with. songs for dusting and vacuuming.
>songs for vacuuming
i can hear only gabber techno over the vacuum innit
Primus - Nature Boy [0q3BQh81uLA].webm
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it's tax season here in the United Shitholes of America, and it is tradition to get naked and listen to this song while you do them

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We now return to the computer-generated graphics thread.

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Architecture thread
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That bird is just lookin for a target to drop on, I can tell
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Honey, how many picnics do you want to have this weekend?
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