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Merely theoretical question since I readily admit ,*I* won't be chad enough but: What is the Chad level required for a man to get a Death Match wrestler gf? not the smutty ones, the ones who actually get into bloody matches, know proper martial arts, carry a good character .
Everyone says a skinny model gf is the peak for a male adult, but I say a fighting deathmatch waifu, is much more.
Tough girls like tough guys, with few exceptions. Sad but true.
You need to be funny. Like, stand up comedian level of funny. Or maybe even Trevor Moore levels of funny.
Replies: >>1209
>Like, stand up comedian level of funny.
No woman has standards this low, anon.
Actually every single one of those type of women, with no exceptions (except maybe one, but that one defies classification anyway), cannot, LITERALLY CANNOT, resist dudes whose name is Bartholomew. So if you get a name change you are set. And if you then go to a tough woman and tell them them your name and they don't instantly fall for you, you can be sure they aren't actually tough and merely pretending, and you can threaten to reveal their scam and get lots of money.
Replies: >>1211
No, women use dark magicks and they are capable of divining a person's True Name. They would never fall for a name change, not unless a healthy he-goat was sacrificed to Eunomia, Goddess of Names.
Replies: >>1212
Damn, well it worked for me, but I've never figured out my true name so it must have been a lucky coincidence.
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