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Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 18.29.59.png
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pablo de rojas sánchez-franco is a fake (ie; literally fake, not ordained as priest even) bishops from Spain who LARPS 24\7, this is a thread about fake sedevacantists, tradcaths etc strictly from the fashion\aesthetic perspective.
I will post many great photos!
>this one is taken by a journalist but it's not "staged" :really DOES have a live-in maid, and butler
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pedro III.jpeg
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same guy
and "pope peter III' of the palmarian church (cult)
If it were a few times a week as cosplay, I'd say it sounds like fun. 24\7 makes me wonder if there's a more worrying reason. The only overlord I respect is Lord Bloody Wog Rolo (Emperor Norton's spiritual nephew2)and he's dead. DEAD!
Replies: >>1228
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Yes, pablo rojas is pretty sinister and a cult leader.
however I kinda appreciate the non-evil yet fully-autistic "lifestyle larpers" who do DO their job
>mfw niggas don't even Cappa Magna
Replies: >>1237 >>1240
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>mfw niggas don't even Cappa Magna
Kansas don't play like that.
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He's probably fucking with the nuns, the nuns! You can believe that? Just imagine that!... well, maybe not the children plis damn jew-hellenistic-christian non-erisian god...

We cannot do that these thing at erisian church bacause we just fuck you ownmind and we dont need nuns when the popes have more power than simple whomanized humans, that's why it's good idea turning every woman and girl and dog and cat into a popi... poppei....pope and start endless debates on the topic of pope vs pope ignoring the human-genre-sex when you are a entity touched by god with no dick or vagina just a high rank who just larp everyday(ignoring the children bacause turning them into popes is to much powerful, maybe that gonna make born the next austrian painter it's suficient with modern internet)
Replies: >>1238
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So on the logik of
>Pope vs Pope
It's like
>Pope = Pope
>Pope = Pope
>Pope = Pope
So we
>Pope ≠ Pope
>Pope ≠ Pope
>Pope ≠ Pope
Conventional logic says that equality is transitive so Let's start from one of the "is not" relations.

>Pope ≠ Pope
Now let's substitute the left side with the statement "Pope = Pope":

>Pope ≠ Pope
and then substitute the right side with "Pope = Pope":
>Pope ≠ Pope
Further application of transitivity leads to the following statements:

>Pope ≠ Pope
>Pope ≠ Pope
>Pope ≠ Pope

>Yeah, and?
So take the POPEPILL and fuk off with thinking with non-Erisian logik!!! Ima fuging genius!!!
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I investigated a bit more, and this pablo guy is a literally conman:he doesn't even OWN his fabulous apartment floor
this guy isn't him tho, they're legit bishops\cardinals
Replies: >>1241
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What if all the bishops and cardinals are conmen?
Replies: >>1242
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If they were any good at being conmen then they would be pope
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papa clemente.jpeg
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more Palmarian stuff. I don't know HOW they managed to do it, but they have chapels in many countries besides spain; some in Africa, some even in europe, and in UK (which isn't europe, long live the Anglo Saxon Israelites)
Replies: >>1244
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>I don't know HOW they managed to do it
Money make more money
Brainwashed (with altered states of consciousness) make more Brainwashed.
Faith make more faith nonsense.
Loneless make more faith player guys
Autority make power control or magic control over the non-gnostic mass.
Brainwashing people with faith and mindfucking turn people into a hardcoded reality tunnel they'cannot escape (maybe)
>That's how it work.
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