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Adolf Hitler in tailcoat reviews an honour guard in the inner yard of the Reichspräsidentenpalais after receiving Józef Lipski as new Polish ambassador, Berlin, 12 September 1934.jpg
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Soviet naval infantry, 1985.jpg
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Nigerien soldier with Uzi, 1989.jpeg
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Serbian soldier relaxing with a butterfly on his eyebrow, Jugoslav Wars.jpg
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Post appealing military pictures.
There's nothing appealing about military.
Replies: >>205 >>211 >>352
Replies: >>211
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pacifist retards
Replies: >>212
There's nothing pacifist about sending pipe bombs to your nearest military H.Q.
Replies: >>213
do you have a reason for being antimilitary?
because once a military power is gone there'll be another to replace it. it doesn't end.
Replies: >>214 >>216
Not that anon, but my countries military is offensive (not defensive) and commits an unacceptable amount of war crimes for fun. The patriotic culture surrounding them is cancerous and abused and the government fuck the troops over once they are no longer needed.
It's like hating Russia; I don't hate all Russians. Most are chill and many did very great things. It's the upper hierarchy and a few too many shitheads that I hate.
Replies: >>215
superpowers gonna superpower.
if it wasnt a superpower like murica, russia or china asserting their sphere of influence, youd be back in the 17th centuries with lots of smaller powers doing the same thing.
Everyone hates American, Russian, Chinese and Indian superpowercultural influence. Everyone would prefer fairer lines being laid out in the sand. The truth is that having a cold war between superpowers is often less deadly for the world overall than having multiple smaller nations defending their own interests.
It's this everlasting peace that is slowly killing us. Superpowers have to be destroyed because death is a good thing.
Replies: >>216 >>218
> You know this bad thing? You have to like it. This good thing? You must hate it. 
Hello Mr. Grayface! Long time no see.
Replies: >>221
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We can actually make the graph plummet all the way down if we collectively stop thinking it's cool to shoot someone just because you were told to. Military sucks, you should make them feel bad.
>The truth is that having a cold war between superpowers is often less deadly for the world overall than having multiple smaller nations defending their own interests.
I agree with that. What's that saying from 1984, 'war is peace'. It's a triangle of hate that provides some kind of soft stalemate.
Replies: >>219 >>353
It can never be stable tho. Bigger states wage bigger wars.
Replies: >>353
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Sounds nice, lets just all hold hands and radiate good vibes, who needs an army. 
But then suddenly your country shatters into fragments, your landlord has decided to become your warlord and you get conscripted in his army to shoot people anyway, only now without laws regulating it.

These days when many countries have transitioned to professional armies, you don't want military to become less popular, because then you would have to spend more tax money on soldier salaries. If your country isn't invading anywhere, anytime soon, then you should be glad that you have people that are stupid enough to actually want to serve in the military.
Replies: >>224 >>225
i think you've got it opposite.
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I am going to radiate good vibes towards you and you are going to enjoy it!
You don't have any imagination. If you shoot everyone that gives you gun to shoot the other peoples, the problem eventually solves itself.
Replies: >>229
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Is that what happened to all those ghost towns in the southwest of the United States, where everyone was packing heat?
Replies: >>230
Probably not
Austrian soldier in the Julian Alps on a ledge aiming his rifle, 1917, blown resolution.jpg
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SR-71 pilots in pressurized flight suit.jpg
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Finnish soldier and Soviet prisoner share a moment at Sommee, September 1942.jpg
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toilet cleaning.jpg
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Remember to enlist, lads! Your country needs you!
Replies: >>246
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NOOOO theyre all gonna shoot up school. I just know it!
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Replies: >>259
Furthest right, first thigh medal is for "English Speaking Public (sic)  Challenge 2014 - Participation Award".
In fact, his bilingual skills are the reason he has two microphones mounted in front of him.
military wives.jpg
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What, is he a lawyer or something?
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russian military.webm
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Absolutely disgusting
that's not how war or soldiering works, why is this board retarded? in the end, generic liberal apologists.
except for male fashion for the last 150 years being based on military uniforms lol and discipline/stylishness obviously being appealing af.
Replies: >>554
modern wars are also far more destructive. not mentioned in your bullshit graph is that conflict was practically ongoing in the past, there were no 'wars' as such. medieval 'wars' in europe, being heavily decentralised, were basically like a couple dozen noblemen in a pitched battle 90% of the time. not the rapid destructive power of artillery and bombings.
Replies: >>355
Does it matter if war is ongoing or not? It's graphing deathrate per 100 000, and the size of the blips come from the size of the conflict.
all that graph shows is that war is a cyclic phenomenon and we're at the tail end of a low cycle.

Really says a lot about the state  of male intelligence.
Replies: >>555
lmao shut the fuck up angry cunt
Replies: >>556 >>558

Sorry, I don't treat mouth breathers as human. To the camps with you.
Replies: >>557
just a little more and we can turn you into a proper salt mine
Replies: >>559

the absolute state of male strength, neet.
Replies: >>560
You make it a little too easy sorry. All you gotta do is say male is bad and then the tantrum starts.

You make real men like me look I have half a brain.
Replies: >>560
women are literal fucking holes
Replies: >>561

Yes, I agree. Now can you betacucks stop getting triggered at words.
Replies: >>562
All you gotta do is say men bad and the betas come out to clean their cameras uwu
Replies: >>1025
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Finally, some actually quality aesthetic.
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women can be murderers too!
Replies: >>877 >>879
I don't think any of these women has personally killed anybody. First two pics are a nurse corps big boss and a computer scientist, people in the last pic are still in training.
Replies: >>1011 >>1012
It doesn't change the fact that each and every jew should be murdered first. Then muslims.
Replies: >>995
How about u go and die asap.
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The girls in training were training to work with the tans before women were allowed to join iirc. They ended up becoming seasoned killers unfortunately.
We don't know how many people committed suicide because of COBOL.
Wouldn't foid arsekissers be the actual betas in this scenario
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Are balkanchads+chechenchads the TRUE Hyperboreans? (georgia, albania, serbia, etc)...as opposed to islander ang*os, and hut-forest naked-bodypaint germans?
Replies: >>1232
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A heavily-armed Serbian guerrila warrior,Yugoslavia,1943..jpg
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fugg, forgot pics haha
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this kills the spetnaz
Replies: >>1234
Why did the checken cross the border?
Replies: >>1235
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Why would anyone, ever do anything?
Replies: >>1236
Why the finger up? It's a some ghetto sign or something?
Replies: >>1239
"oneness of god", an islamic thing, even if ghettos aren't *bad* because yuppies ,also, commit fornication--thus singling out one(ghetto dwellers) group (of fornicators) out of many (99% of humans) is...well, you get it now
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