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Screenshot_2021-04-02 Burn After Reading (2008).png
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What movies/media have you seen that seem to have Discordian themes, although are not directly related?
Personally I have always thought that Coen brothers movies often have that air of beautiful chaos about them, confluences of weirdness and insanity that lead to very funny moments. Like Burn After Reading… nothing really is accomplished by anybody, and people die for very silly reasons.
See also: https://wiki.erischan.org/index.php?title=Erisianism_in_media

The Joker from The Dark Knight has somewhat adjacent views on chaos in both his monologues and actions, demonstrating a profoundly hypocritical mixture of eris and aneris.
Fight Club's Project Mayhem has direct influence from the Cacophony Society (the novel writer being a member) which is basically an Operation Mindfuck culture jamjar.
Replies: >>393
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I haven't seen Burn After Reading. For me, the obvious Coen bros. pick is The Big Lebowski. The Dude reminds me of the hippy Discordian archetype. Finds himself entangled in bizarre situations in way over his head. I don't know how analogous The Dude might be to a fellow like Kerry Thornley in some respects or maybe Maude Lebowski even has an air of Eris about her? It's a funny movie and fun to watch as a drinking game if you like white Russians.
Replies: >>389
yes, it's obvious.
*Too* obvious.
You cannot be fucking serious :'DDD
Replies: >>394
ys i can
Replies: >>395
Lmao chaos is breaking stuff and being CRAYZEEE
Replies: >>396
Of course not.
A part of chaos is looking at people with big, thought-out plans and showing them how fragile those schemes really are, by making your own little plans. "Good guys" do that too.
You think the guy had no aneris because he wore some facepaint and killed people? He wasn't even crazy, just a highly counter-cultural and antisocial asshole with anarchic tendencies, a distaste for those who try to control the chaotic nature of his world. Try listening to the boring bits some time.
Eris started a war, killed people and broke all the stuff. That's not why we call her Chaos.
Replies: >>397 >>399 >>439
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>Eris started a war, killed people and broke all the stuff.
Eris doesn't kill people, people do.
Replies: >>400
Eris is my greatest motivation to kill.
Replies: >>401
If you ever need to kill a person, you lack imagination.
Paris started a war. Eris just rolled an apple.
main theme.gif
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Serial Experiments Lain

The protagonist of the series, Iwakura Lain, is perpetually confused. The spectator of the series, me, became confused from the story. 10/10 obviously a homage to the Goddess of Confusion.
The Source Family
Scynodte New York
Tetsuo The Iron Man
The One Sinbad Movie
The Man Who Killed Don Quixtoe
Any Terry Gilliam really
Uncle Bonmee
Visitor Q

theres more but my hard drive got wiped when i tried to shuck it.
Replies: >>532
Un Chien Andalou.
I utmost recommend Visitor Q.
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I just watched Everything Everywhere All at Once. It's easily the best film I've seen this year. The central plot is about the conflict between people with the Eristic and Aneristic delusions. It felt very refreshing even if the topic of generation differences is overplayed in American Chinese films.
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