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(853.7KB, 1600x720)
how do you write a game AI for simple game like tetris or pong? especially like the original ones like in the arcade machine back then… how conplicated were they in considering the opponent amd situations?
Replies: >>444 >>967
trace where the balls going to go and put the paddle there :)
Replies: >>445
(395.2KB, 1600x720)
doesnt make much sense sorry. how should i trace it? wont the computer Be OP and moves unnaturally fast???
if (game.running)
    win game
if (game won
    "hehe fuck you you lost you goddamn loser cannot ever bear a algorithm consisting of under 23 lines of text with your meat brains you dumbass moron idiot nosepicker!!!!XDDXXDDDX !!!!"

  say "goshdarnit I seem to have lost. Damn  you humanity!"
Replies: >>447 >>453
>>446 lol how big will a game/the processing be with that long of a code
Replies: >>449
I don't understand the question. My code is universal and works in every case.
Replies: >>450
abit of a derail, just curious how much bytes will these codes do to the computer
Replies: >>451
Ah yes, you should totally buy a new computer. I'll send someone over to get rid of the old one. Are you home tomorrow 2pm?
Replies: >>454
For Tetris it is pretty easy, here's the code:
Awesome! Works for me (OpenBSD)
what? lol
Replies: >>455
it's going to do a lot of bytes to the computer, at least a hundred
Replies: >>456
how do you calculate that
Replies: >>457
I have multiple fingers
Replies: >>458
yea that doesnt answer anything

i mean do you know how to count the thing so i know the exact size of the file/processing in game lol
Replies: >>459 >>460
i dont know use a search engine
You read the code and then per every byte you take a finger from the sack and put it in the box. When you are all done reading, you count the fingers in the box.
Replies: >>461 >>463
Isn't there an app for that?
Replies: >>462 >>463
You need to move the fingers yourself anyway if you don't have one of those cool robotic arms, so it doesn't really make it any easier.
Replies: >>463
so, is that english
Replies: >>464
Oui senor
(44.4KB, 1280x455)
As a professional software engineer, here's how I would implement the AI for pong.
Replies: >>466 >>467 >>468
Where are you hiding the bytes?
Replies: >>467
hmmm, cool… exsctly whst im looking for 
but guess there isnt that much  diagram based game engine?
lol yes
>>465 bump this is cool
how do you write like this? maybe for engines like basic or godo
Replies: >>469
Explaining minute details about typing out code isn't really entertaining, and therefore outside this sites scope. I refer you to this delightful nerd forum where they are happy to answer all your questions in warm and friendly manner. http://goat.se/
Replies: >>470
(3.7KB, 200x200)
Took me a minute to find the login form, this place is great! Much more helpful than anyone here.
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