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The Tragedy of Pope Quickshot.png
(580.8KB, 800x600)
You know these memes? Post 'em.
I don't know these memes, can i post here anyway?
Replies: >>476
Do what you want I'm not your mom.
Replies: >>477
>Do what you want
I refuse! You aren't my mom.
I had an erotic dream with Eris but came in my pants and now every time she answers my pineal gland all she says is Do what you want I'm not your mom.
Well at least she's not your mom, that would have been weird.
Replies: >>500
are you saying we're not Eris' Children?
Replies: >>501 >>503
(35.8KB, 100x100)
yes because to say otherwise will get me excommunicated again
Replies: >>502
well guess what
I'll excommunicate you if you say you're not!
Is that you again, Neikea?
Replies: >>504
the neikea was not one deity or person, but a huge amount of spirits which embodied quarrels and altercations.
And they're not the only embodiment Eris gave birth to in bulk. Who's to say we are not her children? Prove it.
None of us knew those memes.
(80KB, 960x949)
is this one of those memes ??
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