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(97.8KB, 670x600)
looking for programming tools that compiles a small window exe and allows for simple line rotation.

yep. you heard me.
draw a single and then rotate it by t degrees. or draw a line from one point to another
Replies: >>481
>looking for programming tools that compiles a small window exe and allows for simple line rotation.

yep. you heard me.
draw a single and then rotate it by t degrees. or draw a line from one point to another

It depends how small you want it to be. I've done such things using C# IDE and OpenGL but I wouldn't call that small
Replies: >>483
(128.5KB, 1506x1080)
alright. looking was a mistake.
huh? well i was hoping for an editor cuz coding and compiling looks fuzzy to me
Replies: >>484
OP was asking about tools that COMPILE to .exe. You can do that with editor if you don't like IDEs, but that would still be "coding"
Replies: >>485 >>485 >>486
ok what s the editor
Replies: >>487
no thats just "codeless
Replies: >>489
>what s the editor

I was talking about source-code editors or text editors

OP - why ask this here instead of some programming board?
I've done this with zero lines of code. that compile to the smallest valid windows executable of 0 bites. Take a marker and a straight edge (substituting a homosexual edge will not work) and draw a line on the screen. Now pick up the monitor and rotate it as you desire. 
N.B. Using a dry erase marker is very important to avoid damaging the screen during removal.
(2.7MB, 498x372)
>no thats just "codeless
who is this mysterious Pope who keeps running around this site asking people to spoonfeed them on programming
did you get banned from lainchan?
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