/aes/ - Aesthetics

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I saw a thread recently about imageboard aesthetics, complaining about 'lack of Web 2.0 design', much to the chagrin of other users. What's the coolest thing you've seen done? (apart from putting Eris on the front page)
I generally liked the freedom a certain Chan gave to its users like 8whatevers /fringe/ for example.

I think chans need outdated designs and some clunkyness or otherwise it would be just another social media site.
Replies: >>517
anon cafe's /server/ is pretty cool, and I think /fringe/ did something similar.
I don't think that's what defines them, but it may help tto attract a certain audience rather than the mainstream.
The chaos in the yakui.moe is great
Replies: >>520
this. thanks for reminding me to check in on what those drug retards have been up to. love the ear/eye rape that is /e/

there was a series of now dead chans that used to host a /chaos/ board that i think became it's own thing called ghostchan for a brief moment. they were a glorious mess and it's a shame i never bothered archiving screenshots. they were some of the best seizure inducing clusterfucks of throw everything at the wall and see what sticks aesthetics. flashing rainbow text, weird flags, and zalgo text bleeding over into everything else. a collection of really weird and funny shit. i think board owner might have gone by davey, but don't quote me on that. it's been a while.
If anyone has any complaints/feedback about erischan's default theme I'd be happy to hear it. I could also enable others.
Replies: >>523
Does mebious count? You can post text and image, although not at the same time: https://mebious.wirechan.org/
nah erischan's extremely default theme is what makes it perfect.

Would be nice if we could get desudesutalk working though (hint hint)
Replies: >>524
>>523 [checked]
I'd offer support for DDT, but it seems they don't support any captchas but recaptcha. I'm not exactly a javascript expert, so I don't know how to copy our captcha into their form.
Replies: >>525
>523 [checked]
and an interesting time stamp there admindude. add those numbers in that time stamp together and…
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