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>a malcontented hunchbrain named Lord Business tries to order the world using The Kragle
>an improbable alliance of Masterbatersbuilders who build whatever dumb shit pops into their heads must unite to stop him
>the prophecy is made up

This movie is a great effort by the Discordian Propaganda Division to infiltrate the minds of children. We must do more!
>lego is discordian because you can build whatever you want
what the fuck does discordian even mean in your head
Replies: >>841
it means youre not one.
Putting all that aside for the moment, how does The Lego Movie compare in watchability to Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris?
Replies: >>843
Saint seiya is a better watch
srs bzns q tho: <i>are</i> there any movies around discordianism or are the just the handful of books from 50–60y ago?
Replies: >>845
closest example i can think of is "23" which is about hacker Karl Koch. I haven't watched it but pretty certain they had no idea why the number 23 was special to him. Karl Koch died May 23, 1989 (aged 23)
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