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what is the mathemathics to move the world
g = GM/r2,
Replies: >>848 >>857
thank you, do you know any tools where i can do effects like this
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Besides being really really fat? No.
Replies: >>850
Replies: >>851
g = GM/r2 is the equation for gravity and the only thing I could think of for mathemathics to move the world. In order for gravity to work you need a really big heavy star or planet.
Replies: >>859
some rude ass.jpeg
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This is now an apples thread.
cute pic
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hell yeah apple thread. gimme some crunchers.
Replies: >>856
Apple becomes more attractive because it has a natural wax. Dr. Joe Kemble of Horticulture at Auburn University agreed that apple is one of the fruits that produces its own wax. If you try rubbing a cloth in an apple, it shines even more.2 One of the tactics of the enemy is to deceive us - making something appear better than the blessings of God. We exchange our future into different things this world offers.

Apple becomes a pie[1][2][3][4]
There are many recipes of apple. When you google it, you can see a lot of it. But with those recipes, what I loved most is the apple pie. It’s what I often eat at MacDonalds aside from burger or potato fries. Maybe you like apple pie as well, or cake or juice? (Just comment your fave) Anyway, my point is that – apple can become anything we want. We can make apple what we want! An apple pie, cake, juice or jam? Anything! It means we have the power to make it what we want because it has no control over us. We can stop it to germinate. We can burn it. We can step on it. Or eat it.

Sin can become like a pie. When Jesus came on earth, we’re forgiven from our sins and set free from it. Through His grace, sin has no master over us (Romans 6:14). We can make sin like a pie! It doesn’t have control over us. Though Satan have devices or traps, Jesus have overcome him through what He has done at the cross. Now, we are overcomers – the world and its wickedness has no power over us (1 John 5:4).

[1] - https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/788/desserts/pies/apple-pie/
[2] - https://www.pillsbury.com/recipes/perfect-apple-pie/1fc2b60f-0a4f-441e-ad93-8bbd00fe5334
[3] - https://www.food.com/recipe/apple-pie-65429
[4] - https://www.applepi.org/
Replies: >>857
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for me it's fuji
Replies: >>858
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Correct, on the positional axes. You may also want to consider the rotational force in advanced applications, but that's for a different thread.


>Apple becomes a pie
Apples can't become a pie you fucking asshole. Stop spreading this bullshit theory. Sage.
Cool. What is their camouflage for?
Replies: >>860
>>851 yeah but it doesnt the describe the sphere in pi
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To hide from me
Replies: >>865
Replies: >>862
coulda sworn we had a porn thread on /b/ somewhere
coulda sworn this chan posted a useful sonic link back then

did the faggots became straight suddenly
Replies: >>864
no, that was on 8chan, but its cool ive got the sonic link.
The Chaser's War on Everything - the eternal sin-I8B4tMhIsPo.mp4
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>it's free apples
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