/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Today, in honor of the 56th anniversary of Day D (or Day C), i published the post about it at the most popular Discordian web forum in the United States: https://www.principiadiscordia.com/forum/index.php/topic,38792.0.html

Less than two hours later, the grayfacish moderators removed this important religious message. But i managed to saved it at my server: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordian/comments/e4k6cm/56th_anniversary_of_day_d/
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Unfortunately, the Western Propaganda, commissioned by the CIA ( https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/cia/russholmes/104-10406/104-10406-10110/html/104-10406-10110_0003a.htm ), has brainwashed a huge number of people in order to present the hypocritical scoundrel as a innocent victim:

Former American President John F Kennedy snorted cocaine with actor Peter Lawford while the two stayed at Frank Sinatra's Palm Springs house in the late 1950s, according to an excerpt from a tell-all book written by Sinatra's former valet.


President Kennedy Calls For Stronger Drug Laws
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In any case, it seems that this is a reference to Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst's involvement in the prevention of another military coup, organized by the U.S. capitalist elite in a small equatorial country, and possibly in the prevention of nuclear war. After all, as Omar said, the only thing he regrets is that it wasn't him, but his old friend Lee Oswald killed this democratic scoundrel:

Government isn't and never has been the only actor capable of brainwashing. Where did you get your delusions?
Replies: >>142
>worshipping ravenhurts's delusions
Malaclypse was the only messenger. Kerry fucked it up
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You're coming here from PD forum and reddit and expect us to give an honest reaction to some bullshit that happened 50 years ago?
Nobody has the time in the world to care about this shit.
>Everyone I dislike is a greyface
You'll find lots of grey in the air here, friend.
Replies: >>141
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> You're coming here from PD forum and reddit
> and expect us to give an honest reaction to
> some bullshit that happened 50 years ago?

56 years ago.

> Nobody has the time in the world to care
> about this shit.

I guess that's why Hollywood's making new blockbuster movies about it regularly:
In order for you to adopt a model that is shaped and generously funded by the CIA.

> You'll find lots of grey in the air here, friend.

As far as i understand, you have come to slander me for justify the hypocritical Cocainist-Democrat who was planning another "false flag" action in Cuba to provide for your Western privileges against the majority of the world's population.
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> Government isn't and never has been the only actor
> capable of brainwashing. Where did you get your delusions?

Governments are fulfilling the Vatican's orders:

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