/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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This board is for discussion about Eris. It's important to note that while this board is named "Discordianism", discussion is encouraged to include all sorts of interpretations of the Goddess and not just the ones mentioned in the Principia.

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I stole this thread type from our unexpected friends at /comfy/ - post interesting Wikipedia articles in the spirit of /eris/

Strictly no soapboxing, we have /gov/ for that. Keep it interesting, but agreeable.
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family guy skin color palette image.jpg
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Cessnas can be terrifying! One could crash into you at any time! And there are more of them than there are 747s. Oh, oh that's not terrorism enough for you? White people can be terArabs, like Assad! If Assad can be an Arab terrorist then so can your kid! That's terrifying, isn't it?! Huh?!
Come uuuun!
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I realised I really don't know shit about the Belt and Road area between Central Russia, China, Iran and Afghanistan.

>Bishkek, formerly known as Frunze, and earlier Pishpek
>Based on DNA evidence, the area near Bishkek is considered one of the possible origins of the Black Death between AD 1346 and 1353.
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Speaking of geography:

>this bit is still ours!

>lol who cares about the middle part.
Replies: >>3835
Wa State is secretly two states in a trenchcoat.

meme sgt ayy imao.jpeg
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(note to mods: so activities here are illegal but Im asking whether this exists, not incentivizing it)
Is there any groups that do ARG as a sport\hobby? Probably they keep it secret but, it seems there's an overlap between chaos Magick in urban centres, underground music (punk, black metal, some obscure electronic genres), militant far-left groups...So far ,by my poor research I know of trends such as:
>extreme graffiti, including dangerous urban exploring, and urban (Clandestine) rappelling
>that sport where you use roller blades in your 4 limbs and slide trough-down speeding cars
>train-hopping (not trainspotting), pioneered in Germany by "youth gangs"
>"expose risk challenges" Bringing a banned item into a place and photographing yourself holding it. Like that nerd with the LSD tablet in Mecca. Maybe Mein Kampf inside a synagogue, a portrait of Bomber Harris inside a Berlin pub, whatever
>crowd surfing, last-hour taking trains or subways, sewer line exploration or abandoned train carriage\ factory squatting ,and camping, etc
does this exist? or am I too meth-headed?
one dollar
yeah i say stop taking meth.

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What was the life of a Galli "eunuch priest" actually like? I know some accounts say they were gay prostitutes; others say this is slander. I know they didn't work\labor (based), but were itinerant, wandering mendicants ie; beggars (mooching off wagies is based). They flagellated themselves into frenzies in public orgies of bloodshed (this is good; very Metal), and they violated almost all norms of roman manliness social conduct (Punk rockers of ancient world)
what was the daily-life of a Galli of Attis and Cybele, actually like?
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>walks into town square
>discards masculinity
>whip each other into blooded mess
>ask for money
>'join our religion, here's our address'
13/15, I'd consider.

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Replies: >>3825 >>3827
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>>3823 (OP) 
Of course, why didn't I think of that!
Replies: >>3826
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>>3823 (OP) 
I haven't come to a conclusion yet, but I'll give it some more thought.

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You don't worship Eris enough.
Do you sift through manuscripts? Do you know Her offspring by name? Did you memorize Her every myth? Her lineage? 
Or is she just a cartoon character to you? Just some joke made up by some hippies? It's time to re-evaluate your beliefs, and to increase that value even more.
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Replies: >>3822 + 1 earlier
practice your consumerism in peace, simplefolk
Hello erischan.org! This is your annual reminder that accepting any store-bought "gift" in any of the Winter Harvest festivals is second-hand consumerism. We don't know exactly why that is bad, but it is. So don't do it.
Santa is real, it turns out. Of all things he has proven himself the staunchest of capitalists. 
The coal he once gave away is sold, at profit, to the world governments. With this vast income, he pays an elven workforce who flood the markets at his discretion.
Praise be to Santa Claus, who monopolizes the Winter Harvests!
Praise be! 
We hope, we pray
Maybe his intentions be good?
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>>3750 (OP) 
I don't remember if I replied already, but Eris isn't static. She might've once had children with names, she might've long ago been a cartoon character or some hippie joke, but those are just labels. Those are signposts leading you to Her, but she is not any of them.
Replies: >>3824
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Professor Utonium.jpg
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>browse the internet
>flashback of childhood trauma occurs
>Why did Professor Utonium smoke a pipe? What's...is... did he smoke? Is this a mandela effect? a Djavu?
>*get mindfucked by my own mind*
>*search the internet for information*
>*find the information*
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Replies: >>3819 >>3820 + 1 earlier
thin picture.webp
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moar liek sayonara day
Replies: >>3548
Time to plan for next year
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>>3523 (OP) 
>When you realize you're going to shit bricks.
Replies: >>3820
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>>3523 (OP) 
>When you realize you're going to shit bricks.
New Uncle bob unlocked.
george lincoln rockwell at nation of islam summit to hear malcolm x.jpg
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It's worth noting, this guy was eventually shot by a fellow nazi. This may not seem like much to us, but it's a huge step up from their leaders shooting themselves. Slack, apparently, is getting other people to take out the garbage.

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we seen i tin the freen neon.png
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Look the Lone Don neighborhood she won the rest in despaire.
eris chan23.mp4
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Physics debunked.webm
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The thread you all been waiting for is finally here! Brace yourself for the Great ERISTIC DEBATE THREAD!

Get to a position! Dig in! Refuse to acknowledge being completely wrong!

My position:

You are stupid!
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It's not the butt. That's the caucus belly.
Their 🗿crime🗿 was increasing blood flow to the head. Surely you understand the risk this poses.
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It's clearly the year 3190 today.
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If women are truly equal than why 1) do I only get hard over men?, and 2)why are men always tighter?
Replies: >>3806
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That just means you're going for the wrong women and the right men.
Replies: >>3807
i wanna.webp
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The History of Western Civilization.mp4
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How should we treat those who are not Popes?

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Put them in a room with popes and see who wins.
Declaring oneself to not be a Pope is exercising one's Papal Authority, and Papal Infallibility means one is absolutely correct that one is a non-Pope.
Replies: >>3703
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Stay away from /cat/.
We tried this years ago and it was a cafastrophe.
yo if i see a nonpope imma snatch that ass up real quick

clap it
CotS can render unto Caesar, but religious exemptions are a holy war.

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