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Physics debunked.webm
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The thread you all been waiting for is finally here! Brace yourself for the Great ERISTIC DEBATE THREAD!

Get to a position! Dig in! Refuse to acknowledge being completely wrong!

My position:

You are stupid!
I don't give a shit about quarks… harrumph!
Replies: >>156
1) this is a comment by an anonymous poster
2) they must have seen this post and read it
3) this post unambiguously told them they are stupid!
5) since by their own argument they are stupid, they are very likely to make stupid comments that arent right
no u!
Replies: >>464
No, it's a post from Dweller, one of the most profilic posters on the site. (We need more names to make this more confusing btw.)

That's not necessarily true.

As they would likely remember writing it themselves, it's obviously not aimed at them, since if it was they would've written a statement like "we are stupid"

4) Your testicles smell like dead fish, you should wash them sometime.

Stupid doesn't equate not right.

summary: You still haven't convinced me
Replies: >>466
4) They do not and I can prove it.
3) That's not necessarily true.
5) My argument is based in reasonable probability, not certainty.
6) The assertion is "You are stupid!" but since only one out of our entire planet of at least twelve people has asserted that, it is technically unlikely to be true. Therefore I may be stupid, but there is insufficient assertions that I was stupid at the time of reading.
7) Since I am irrefutably unlikely to be stupid, and since we are debating, you are therefore stupid!.
Summary: no u version 2
Replies: >>3311
tell me something I don't know, please. Being stupid is terribly boring.
Replies: >>710
Well just come up with something you know, figure out what's the opposite and then think that.
I think ur dumb and wrong. Cuz u dumb. Suck a cock, or vag, whichever u prefer less.
Replies: >>2787
I don't think those points make up a valid argument since your anal cavity is full of horse cock.
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I'm prohibited from believing anything I read, so I can't believe that nonsense.
Replies: >>3306
Yea and my mom told me understanding formal logic is for chumps, but that isn't very convincing is it?
You have gay sex with poopy turds. Now your little chode is clogged with feculence. Go back to gayville. Your dad is wait.
Replies: >>3309
Ok nerd. Revealing your insecurities at the opening statement is very interesting strategy, and I truly hope it works out for you.
Replies: >>3339
Dweller here, I'm sorry I forgot to respond to this back in 3186. It was just that after being exposed to such grossly irreal logic I had a big philosophical revelation and had to spend a year writing my thesis about why idiots like you cannot shut up but keep making themselves look stupid. In the process I forgot all about this petty squabble until some kind cabbage bumped this thread.

To your argument I say: all your proposals are based on an assumption that you aren't stupid and therefore can form a valid argument. Since it is clear that you are stupid, all your points are refuted by the rule of ad hominem.
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>You are stupid!
nein du
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Prove to me that it's not the 2000s.
Replies: >>3331 >>3336 >>3739
Why do I places in my dreams keep getting robbed? I don't even think I've even had to give a robber money, and they're often pretty polite. This time they even had people helping them readjust their balaclava since it slipped down and they were clearly inexperienced and needed help with the exit.
Look out your window. Do you see any flying cars??
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There's no more cute emo twinks
Replies: >>3356
I accidentally fucked your dad. Sorry anon tho
Replies: >>3340
Damn, was he even good?
Replies: >>3341
4/5 stars, not the best taste but serviceable, cheap and fast
Replies: >>3342
ONLY 4/5?! That bitch has brought shame upon our family, and shall be punished. Thank you for telling me this, contact my mom to be compensated for the inadequate service if you are still willing to trust our family establishment.
Replies: >>3343
I miss a good ol' family owned business.
Keep it in the family, bub
Replies: >>3345
where did they find this picture of me.jpg
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Inbreeding leads to innovation.
It's much cheaper than radioactive waste, at least.
I wanna fking cry
Replies: >>3398
Stefan Molyneux worships the market not realizing it is a heard of sheeple. 

Replies: >>3365
Yes that is true, but his eristic dialectics were pretty good for his time.
No you don't, crying is involuntary action caused by suddens sharp pain in DE NUTS YOU WAAS KICKED IN THE NUTS LOSER PROTECT YOUR NUTS BETTER NEXT TIME N00B
Stefan Molyneux more like Stefan Moly-doesn't-understand-why-his-iphone-exists-but-is-really-mad-that-you're-not-actively-making-it-eux
Replies: >>3400
Whos that?
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>You are stupid!
I think, therefore I am not.
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Why did they make his butt illegal?

Are they scared?
Replies: >>3701
It's not the butt. That's the caucus belly.
Their 🗿crime🗿 was increasing blood flow to the head. Surely you understand the risk this poses.
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It's clearly the year 3190 today.
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If women are truly equal than why 1) do I only get hard over men?, and 2)why are men always tighter?
Replies: >>3806
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That just means you're going for the wrong women and the right men.
Replies: >>3807
i wanna.webp
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The pentabarf is ultimately derivative of the three dmt commandments.
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