/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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So apparently those no-good followers of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs got us again good by sending the mindless thrall soyak army after us. What can we do to claim our revenge? I suggest we mail them money, so they become rich and fat and die off of being not able to fit through their doorframes so they starve to death.
Sorry I meant Cobbs, not Dobbs.
Replies: >>2862
Also I am trans btw, in case it matters.
Wait is that how they sspelllttt it all along? Jehovah I be praised for correcting me.
I think we should find out where they live and mown their lawn for them. That'll show them!
Replies: >>2882
Ev&o only selfish little fucks own lawns and every good bugman lives in a pod in a high-rise commieblock.
Replies: >>2883
So we buy them a lawn so we can mow it.
i think they gave up
its over dance.gif
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Sorry for raiding your board. We won't do it again, only sometimes.
Replies: >>2897
We must forgive you, you're just playthings for forces you cannot comprehend.
Replies: >>2899
Soychads was anybody else banned? Also why was the kuz thread deleted?
Replies: >>2903
ok cabbage, can you explain why?
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just make new memes.
Replies: >>2905 >>2908
she looks like me.jpg
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>attaches reused meme
we're doomed
Replies: >>2906 >>2910 >>3288
The politically correct term is "pre-owned"
Replies: >>2907
Oh I forgot I had the namefag thing on
Replies: >>2913
Every meme has been tried, there can be no new memes.
Replies: >>2909 >>2910
There's new permutations happening as we speak, but novelty is hard to perceive by pattern seeking brains.
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>reused meme
Policeman/GAL man declaration is more just a giant shit post than a meme

I guess we could go back to reaction pics for inspiration
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I forgot you did too.
>I suggest we mail them money, so they become rich and fat and die off of being not able to fit through their doorframes so they starve to death.
Takes time. I'm going to install new doorframes.
just here.jpg
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Praise Bob.
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We've been doomed the whole time!
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>Soyjack army
Check to see if any of their traffick is coming from Chicago. Clover-smokers didn't listen when I mentioned to them that "Soy Jack-Off nights" parties on LaynChon[sic]'s imageboard. They're fucking with bots and don't even do half of their shit themselves. Some of the least reputable ones turned 4/pol/ into MAGA bot central, not the expected flood of plebs b& from subforums (there are no DomForums for them). Bob's ilk cannot keep getting away with this.
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