/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Principa Discordia in The Church of Satan
>The Satanic Bible
The interpretations are all based on who writes the forewards
>1st Edition intro was genuine
>LaVey? Not Levey, La Voisin
What an enlightening, non-poisonous apple. Thanks Eris. Sorry to hear many Christians only see her Serpent form.
>The "big change" 
>Obvious fed is obvious, but wanted to earn his grave marker
>Sorry, we can't acknowledge theism anymore
>The Sweet Pete programmer would rather "party and play" than expand his mind in a literal way
>Kicks out their tech wiz
>Pete fucked up
>Didn't expent to be disproved by research that's too horrifying to discuss
>Acheron's guy is homophobic because a bisexual dissed him in his book
>Pete doesn't like Death Metal because The Tough Guy wouldn't fuck him
>Swingers consider Pete a known problem
>Three 6 Mafia didn't wanna get fucked in either
>See Koopsta Knicca's documentaries about The Devil's Playground
Fast forward to now
>No sacred cows, like stoner shit
>No smoking around 16:20 or 12 hours prior
>TST was revealed to be the ControlledOps, Just like Qanon
Thanks Erisians, Exposing Satanism might not be entirely factual, but it is fun, and was helpful on my journey. 
>Too bad there are people that believe in exposingsatanism, as a hate group
>exorcism cult
>Fast forwarding to now
You know you ruined it, right. We NEED that info in the middle. Did the tough guy not fuck pete because he was a scrawny fuck and gymbros only fuck other gymbros or maybe tough guy likes effeminete men and Pete is a fat nerd? Is TST controlled by FBI or Mossad? Is it really controlled if it is controlled by FBI considering they can't even control themselves. If i don't know this i can't interpret the correct lesson from this story. I am really disappointed in you Pope, you should have known better.
Replies: >>3096
Snake Sage Eris? Neat.
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TST is a Mossad OP, this is public knowledge at this point
>Nothing wrong with Pete liking big dick gym bros
>Wish they never broke up
>Pete didn't write "the first published satanic wedding either"
>See his review on the back of Satanic Rites and Ceremonies by Yaj Nomolos (Jason Solomon)
Did you not get the New™ "Satanic Panic" is necessary memo? A bit of legitimate disclosure is good for those without shitty gimmicks
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