/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Here's a nutrubber for you. Oh yes, I've got a lovely little riddle.

Is there a cultural mechanism so that a Discordian sect could repel the truly schizophrenic passbyers, the loony crew, the bloody inane insane, but retain the necessary fresh blood of chaos, the eris, the good shit? Is such a filter contradictory, or could it exist? You must decide, tell us about such a sect.
Replies: >>3098
We make fun of them until they realize they're being made fun of.

Either their pineal glands open and their aneristic delusions are replaced with glorious chaos, or they'll never realize we're messing with them and be an eternal source of humour.
Replies: >>3097
>"We use to hate people, now we just make fun of them, it's more effective that way"
>from Dogma by Nicole Blackman
I do not know if I see you what you see, but I believe I might.
If our Discordianism came from 2 fellows in a bowling ally having a divine or semi-divine or non-divine experience, inspiring them to write the PD. Then there ought to have been something going on. But the PD does have notable influences. The writers were raised christian, for example, and it shows in their writing styles of the PD and its many copies of words like saint. 
Perhaps comparison with our ancients could help us? It won't but it helps me think. What would Discordianism been to a Roman or a Greek? Romans painted Her as ghastly; Greeks as a trouble maker: she clearly is not Olympian, yet still a Goddess. Her ancient cult is historically questionable. (But who here asked History?) Are they comparable? I would like to think they might accomplish similar goals through different ways. Do they need to be identical? I would be shocked to my core if they were. 
As far as I know, she alone of all Divinity proclaims to Man "You are Free.", without wanting something in return. Perhaps the mechanism is a mental evolution. One which springs under the right circumstances within an individual within a prosperous/well-off civilization. Something that reacts on an ontological level. 
It might explain our small numbers, or maybe most of our band takes it really seriously and simply sticks that much apart.
Replies: >>3099 >>3140
>As far as I know, she alone of all Divinity proclaims to Man "You are Free.", without wanting something in return.
She was joking when she said that, you know.
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>I do not know if I see you what you see, but I believe I might.
I checked. You don't. Looks like they cut your camera line when they installed their microphone cabling.
If I look like a fat bitchy woman, that's my neighbor.
I am head of Anonymous' Occult Science Division, and I have been working on a solution to this very problem for several years now.

Been field testing it on various imageboards and social media sites lately. Data still forthcoming.
Replies: >>3164
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Occult Science Anonymous, huh?
That's a recovery group I can get behind.
Kill 'em all, let Eris sort 'em out.
Replies: >>3184
Yeah just dump all your work on the number 1 insane bitch, that''s not a bad idea! what could go wrong.
Replies: >>3187 >>3188
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oh my, experience some….. DISCORD recently?
by the way I was under direct Temple Orders to dump the work on "the criminally Insane, En Masse", so stop telling us how to do our jobs
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Good point. how do you stop normies like me from wandering in and crowding the threads for shits and gigs.
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