/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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(32KB, 400x300)
So uh, I haven't seen or heard tell of any erischan irc channel, but I think it'd be fun.

admindude what are your thoughts?

I'd set up a channel myself on rizon or something, but I felt like I should post here first. I also have no experience running any channel, so I hope someone here with more experience may be interested.

I could always just make it and run it like a retard, and then it's dead. That would be fun to an extant, but I think having something somewhat reliable, where people can drop in every now and then would be really fun some nights idk.
I still use IRC a lot so I would come to your IRC anon
if no one wants to setup a erischan-owned IRC, we could go with ryzon or libera i guess
Replies: >>3222
Replies: >>3219
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(88.5KB, 343x314)
Let's roleplay that we on IRC ITT.

anon (anon@erischan.org) has joined #eris
anon_ (anon@erischan.org) has joined #eris
anon has left #eris (Connection timed out)
anon (anon@erischan.org) has joined #eris
anon_ (anon@erischan.org) has left #eris (Connection timed out)
Replies: >>3221 >>3222
pope (anon@erischan.org) has joined #eris
pope: Hello!
pope: Hellooooooooo!!
kewl no rush :)

[11:50] erisreal (uid583271@Rizon-BF9HJ668.irccloud.com) has joined #erischan
- PD, 47 Bcy 3189
[12:32] erisreal (uid583271@Rizon-BF9HJ668.irccloud.com) has left #erischan
[12:45] <fnord19> eat any hot dogs today anyone?
[00:00] erisreal (uid583278@Rizon-BF9HJ668.irccloud.com) has left #erischan
[01:32] <pope____> fnord19: kill yourself :o
[01:34] <fnord19> why won't you leave me alone?
[01:35] Mode #erischan [+b *!*@BA41EWN6.345N87B2.A30GTE5.IP] by greg
[01:35] greg has kicked fnord19 (PAPAL DECREE FROM THE DESK OF POPE GREGORY-MILLS MONTGOMERY III: unfunny)
[01:48] <pope____> ja też mówię tym zygzakowatym językiem
[01:49] <pope____> brb :-D
[03:23] <+obama> lol
[03:23] <+obama> well im going to back to my shadow gov stuff you guys goodnight ;*
[03:25] (+obama@discord.the.movie has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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