/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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(16.3KB, 642x171)
This is religious discrimination against us.
Replies: >>3290
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Disorder - a crime???
Find out after the break.
I have been legally arguing this concept on the behalf of all Discordians: That the term "schizo" is a common anti-Discordian insult and slur.

So if anyone ever calls you schizo for being crazy, they're infringing on your religious first amendment right to BE crazy in the observance of a legitimate religion (which Discordianism is, since the Temple of Eris goes back to ancient times)
Replies: >>3280
It is also noteworthy that some forms of insanity are more socially acceptable. If you go around saying invisible hand is controlling the markets or jews rule the world, you are gonna get stared at, but nobody is going to institutionalize you for being crazy, since those are forms of normalized crazyness which support the common greyface hegemony.
Legally, it's worth starting up non-profits that can get Erisians federally legal entheogen use. That's how Rastas get away with being constantly stoned. They're not disorderly for behaving how they do, legally. With the right paperwork, and a decent lawyer (or law team) Popes may be able to end discrimination against the Religiously Disorderly.
Replies: >>3292
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An Erisian is be obliged to seek loopholes rather than legality. Whether that is a loophole is up to interpretation, like a coin flip or something.
Replies: >>3293
Such being disorderly when it's considered appropriate to do so? Like at various public celebrations where that behavior is expected, and not prosecuted?
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