/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Are Eris and Discordia different?
Replies: >>3414 >>3417
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Research is ongoing. And disputed, as to be expected.
MOAR! Post more of this hoe!!
Replies: >>3408
Stop calling Hades a hoe, or he'll fuck you. Or just kill you. The second is literally their job.
Replies: >>3411
I am ready to die for Truth.
Replies: >>3412
>yo dey put the big tea on em
The board is called /eris/, yet the tagline / topic is Discordianism.
Truly this is part of the grand unplan.
I'd like to think they are one and the same. In fact, I thought Discordia was the surname to Eris. Or is it the other way around? 

Maybe it's just a nosejob
Pretty sure Eris just used a fake name when the Romans tried to arrest Her.
Replies: >>3419
What did the She do to upset the Romans?
Replies: >>3420 >>3432 >>3432
Reportedly she set a chariot race on fire, because it was "more tiresome than watching hair grow on grannys nipples"
I guess that does makes sense. I hate nascar too.
But is it good enough to be an Olympic sport?
I guess that does makes sense. I hate nascar too.
But is it good enough to be an Olympic sport?
That makes sense to me, I hate nascar too.
That makes sense to me, I hate nascar too.
That maybe makes sense to me, I hate nascar seven.
Roman around at the speed of sound, I heard

a she-granny's nippled hair could be interesting if sped up inappropriatelish
perhaps the invention of the modern rubber tire might have bounced her ire
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