>Any updates on the migration?
I've been quiet about it because I'd rather admindude break any news. We're seeing eye-to-eye and things are chill now, we're just ironing out the details.
The main thing to sort out is the switch-over date (so that the site isn't down for a whole day while we change the DNS and register a TLS cert) and whether we care or not about about moving the diverging posts. Probably have to resort to just ignoring new erischan posts since this site came up, because you can't have two post 3456's and it's probably more time than worth to handle that.
>Thoughts on a .onion address?
Willing and able, I'll set one up after the official merge, as well as the webring settings. Although for now, you don't have to keep switching nodes just to view the site.
>Two admins?
admindude will remain admin and control the erischan.org DNS, I am becoming the tech staff and remain a mod.