How should we treat those who are not Popes? \
They ought to be made popes.
>>3647 We have the technology.
Before eRIS found me, I would have said public execution by horse. But now I was enlightened. We treat them like a pope and thus they learn they are a pope.
You're a pope, stop acting like one.
>>3650 Hey, that's my text, give it back!
>>3651 It clearly says it's mine! Can't you read?
>Do unto others as you would do unto Pope? Wait... No. Don't do that. It might be a bad idea.
>>3651 >>3652
>>3646 (OP) What? There are those who are not Popes? Are you sure about this?
>>3656 Well I haven't seen one myself, but there are rumors in my cabal and we need to be prepared. Who knows what they would be capable of! Who knows what they would be capable of?
>>3657 It is said that he who rejects his own papacy is capable of dark magic, such as filing taxes...
>>3658 No mortal is capable of such feats. Heresy! Nonsense! Podge without Hodge!
>>3658 TAXES? Impossible.
Put them in a room with popes and see who wins.
>>3656 Declaring oneself to not be a Pope is exercising one's Papal Authority, and Papal Infallibility means one is absolutely correct that one is a non-Pope.
>>3702 >superpoping Stay away from /cat/. We tried this years ago and it was a cafastrophe.
yo if i see a nonpope imma snatch that ass up real quick clap it
>>3658 >taxes CotS can render unto Caesar, but religious exemptions are a holy war.
/abs/ are the experts on this groundbreaking schizm-egg. Current advice is to prove non-Popes are in fact already Popes, and to celebrate their Popeliness.