/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Fnords are a varied broad concept, and often, a useful tool. There's almost an implication in the Principia Discordia that fnords are just floating naturally in the world, or inserted by the Bavarian Conspiracy, or just poorly hidden in plain site as an inside joke. But they really are in places even the aware Popes overlook them. And increasingly, they're not only influencing the ignorant people, but more than ever, ignorant robots.

Secrets can be placed almost anywhere.
Entire websites can be fake.

In Iran, Earth, their intelligence service learned the CIA was using front websites as covert channels. For example, imagine a hobby website like a yoga page, which when a certain pixel is clicked under certain conditions, it opens up a secret chatroom with your handler.

Of course, the fnords were pords. Their carelessness, a long story shortened, resulted in systematic killings of dozens of CIA assets when Iran told other countries how to spot the fnords.

So before you play with them, know about fnordfires.
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