/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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How do you explain Discordianism to others? If at all. I mean, someone will ask at some point.
Replies: >>49 >>3301
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Through the power… of dance
I'm not sure it's possible.
As long as there's no "common enemy" nobody will want to fight.
>spoiling the joke
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>someone will ask at some point
Sounds like you could use little more subtlety… or don't!

Just let the words come to you.
>"Why are you doing that? Why are you like this?"
1)"It's… mandatory… Didn't you get the memo?"
2)"I'm hearing the voices again!"
3)"It's a family tradition!" (preferably told to an older family member!)
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>How do you explain Discordianism to others? If at all. I mean, someone will ask at some point.
I usually explain that, based on the advice given to me by my legal counsel, I wish to invoke the privileges granted under the fifth amendment of the US constitution. As I am not an American, this response can produce curious results.
basically, happy absurdists are annoying while unhappy absurdists are capable of anything.
I would tell them to go wash their face. If they refuse or show hesitation, I throw mud in their face. "Your face is cleaner now than it was before," I would say. "That is Discordianism."
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I call it drunken Daoism in clown shoes
I hate talking with other discordians, so why would I go out of my way to potentially create new ones?
Why must I explain to a pope what Discordianism is; are they not a paramount authority on the matter?
Replies: >>3314
Have you ever worked with a boss?
I just show them my Pope card (transferred to me by a prior Pope, Chief Three Fingers) and let them figure the rest out themselves.
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