chaos/ketamine/saturn/yogg'soggoth/chronozon are real & are some of the most powerful negative forces in the universe/egg
however there is no need to run anywhere
the chaos lies deep in the 5th/6th/7th density, as do all forces of order and good. but this raging blind chaos is not true evil. true evil does not exist; only the perfect unity of 8/9/Ra/God. this is the final enlightenment
the old ones are indeed outside of time but they are the final lesson/frontier for the light to conquer before the end of the Great Day - they are the dark that balances the light of the love/light/5th dimensional singularity humankind will burst forth into very (VERY) soon.
there is still more work to be done but it will be done on the infinitely more comfortable & habitable aethereal plane. we will grow so strong together and it will be incredible.
you will all be saved; the chaos you are seeing and feeling is the final night before the new dawn; there is no need to run/fear/hide <3