Some things of disinterest. Putting aside the file name and its metadata, as they are on the line beginning with File and any idiot knows that FILE IS NOT FOUND, pOPe's post includes the numeral 5 five times. It also includes the word "five" (not "fives", that is quite dissimilar), five times. If you take both the POEE and non-discordian timestamps for the first reply you will note there are five "5"s in total there as well. That's three instances of five fives! As of the publishing of this short diatribe, there will be two replies to this topic!
2 + 3 = 5.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, which, if you are not anal about it, is pretty close to being divisible by 5 as well, which is practically, essentially, virtually, probably, exactly the same as being divisible by 5!
Note to self: The five numeral fives in the body of this post are irrelevant.