/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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(475.9KB, 480x480)
You heard me right!
it's right there in the subject title after all.

Erischan suffers from complete randomness and impurity! 
Normally I would say that these are merely the results of worshipping such a Chaotic Goddess but this is a dire situation! What good is an imageboard without Culture! In-jokes! Sub-communities!?

I expect the lot of you to correct this fatal mistake at once! Get to work on creating cohesion, immediately!
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also congrats, we've overcome 5000 posts across all boards
What an absolute philistine! Do you need a sub-community labelled to notice it? Do you need a wiki and a Know Your Meme page to recognize culture and in-jokes? Outrageous!

Erischan has too much culture! Far too many posts here make total sense. We've even managed to make a magazine from all of this, how mortifying!

We desperately need more chaos, more discord and more reverse psychology! Hop to it!
Replies: >>696
i am confuse.jpg
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Can't we ask admindude to install one?
Replies: >>686
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>creating cohesion
(66.8KB, 473x355)
ouchy oof
pointing at dumbasses thread.png
(693.4KB, 820x615)
Better make it two.
fnorf f.c.png
(35.8KB, 579x536)
The recent /3/ posts are literally spam posted on many imageboards.
Can you finally spamfilter them?
Replies: >>688
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if it's true that i have failed to install a culture, i will correct this mistake. But not on a budget of one hotdog a week.

i've deleted them, thusfar i've failed to create a spamfilter. man, PHP sucks ass.
Replies: >>690
Yeah, I guess you saw some of the links to other imageboards. I don't have specific experience with PHP but I've just started looking into it.
You could try and make event handlers: https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan/wiki/events
Something like this should do regex matching:

event_handler('post', function($post) {
        # check how many times 'http' appears in the post
		if (preg_match_all('/http/', $post->body) >= 3)
				return 'You have been excommunicated for being a shill.';

(assuming $post and $post->body have to exist, which I think they do)
Replies: >>694
(136.6KB, 500x563)
Do you have to take PHP to make culture? Someone help me out, I'm not very up to date about what drugs kids do these days.
Replies: >>692 >>721
PHP is more of a 90s thing. Now we take 'Elixir', 'Rust' and 'brainfuck' when we really want to develop ourselves.
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thanks for that, i've put it in the config and it seems to work perfectly.
Replies: >>695
(795.1KB, 960x720)
Awesome! I'm glad I could help.
Replies: >>697
>We desperately need more chaos
>more discord
Yes, but not the service,
>and more reverse psychology!
No we don't!
(84.8KB, 700x425)
> spam got through just 10 minutes after this post
Replies: >>699 >>703
*points to >>>/3/*
If admin actually wants to block that guy in particular and not just link spam, I'd suggest blocking the polish word for police in the subject and the smiling emoticon they always put at the end. Or better yet, implementing an event handler to accept the post before deleting it a minute later. Maybe could be done with 'post-after' and a timer.
I just read more documentation and it looks like the poorly-named flood filters were made for regular spam detection like suggested above: https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan/wiki/flood_filters
Culture was actually one of the things that killed 4chan years and years ago, arguably.
Replies: >>705
I could argue that.

Anyone else getting Wrong Password errors?
your mom has no culture but this peepee is full of culture. its a culture industry of smegma. the prison of the cotton undergarments perpetuate the funky jungle that has built shanty towns under the fatpad. society of the spunktacle, and i am the architect.
>I'm not very up to date about what drugs kids do these days.
All of them.
Replies: >>722
super heroine.png
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pic related,kids on 4chins
he becaming an heroin
erischan is only good because it's not immediately able to be understood by an outsider.
Replies: >>776
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discordianism is probably one of the easiest things to grasp
we need to complicate it for ??? reasons
Replies: >>777
Replies: >>3611
Yeah, that's the word.
In discordja we feed the troll and keep it as pet!
We need to enter formal academia in a more official sense. Eventually, we can create a Discordian Academy.

Here is the type of published* journal we ought to give rise to:
* It was only reviewed and accepted for publication, financial issues prevented it from being included. This is why our mission is necessary.
Replies: >>808
Since we have a magazine I think the logical next step would be a netlabel.
Is bacteria a culture?
Replies: >>2839
Reading fore the newbies.
Erisianism doesn't survive on a petri dish, but infects readily a room full of people when stars align
chuds… the party is just getting started
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Good luck admin! Running an imageboard can be a painful experience sometimes.
What u do beside creating soyaks and raiding? Make me an eris soyak and I might come take a look.
Replies: >>2847 >>2864 >>2870
That's pretty much it we also like pixelplanet…

>Make me an eris soyak 
TSMT do it teens
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Chaos must, of course, flow IMpurely
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from leftypol /draw/
thats where out culture must have gone, AND WE MUST BRING IT BACK!
Induced entropy.
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>>680 (OP) 
I use my discordian cultures to make kombucha and other tasty fermented foods
Replies: >>3627
feeding squirtle.webp
(40.7KB, 677x663)
Lucky. All I got was an explosion.
is this an instrument?.webp
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(118.9KB, 300x100, 00:04)
Is a new banner a culture?
Replies: >>3634
that banner is a good culture
(23.2KB, 268x188)
Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my rum.
Replies: >>3638
my thai.jpeg
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!!mah mur.jpg
(354.2KB, 1080x1440)
Rum culture isn't bad.
(14.2KB, 304x352)
Speaking of culture, the spoiler image needs some culture. Not very Erisian to me.
Replies: >>3661
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Replies: >>3663 >>3664
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Today was a good day for erischan.org
First one looks good to me.
I want both uwu
Replies: >>3668
proceed discord.webp
(732B, 300x100)
Are we the perfect chaotic society? Maybe not yet. But we have perfected the art of the derail.
Replies: >>3669
chen banner.png
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Replies: >>3670
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Replies: >>3671
Good call
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apparently we do

not sure if we can sell it yet
Replies: >>3692 >>3693
I would buy that
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idk what chat that is
anyway only real popes remember the astronaut
Replies: >>3694
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>real popes
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rolling fortune

Your fortune: You will meet a tall mysterious stranger
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>>680 (OP) 
>Erischan has no culture
That's culture jamming, pope.
Good job pal.
(35.8KB, 533x400)
>You see, dear Pope, so much of what’s doled out as Discordianism merely amounts to saying I suck, you suck, the world sucks, and who gives a damn — which is, er, ah, somehow insufficient. Don’t ask me why; I’m just a Pope, really. But any Pope could tell that, to put it in terms of Us vs. Illuminati, saying the above is exactly what The Illuminati would want you to do, because it amounts to capitulation.
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