Anyone practice discordian magick? I got a cool sigil I've been playing with.
What does it do?
>>725 Removes the concept of timezones.
>>733 Ok, I'll try it and come back with results in couple of weeks.
OK im op that reply wasnt me and the picture I posted wasnt the sigil lol. Thats from the game yume 2kki
>>744 Stfu, that's the sigil now. Here's one I made, no idea what it's for, but you should all sacrifice bodily fluids for it weekly and report if you notice anything at all happening.
>>746 but i already offer my bodily fluids to Eris!
>>744 At least put effort into imitating me. This post is just an insult and barely funny. >>746 It was my adopted sigil actually (from yume 2kki, like >>744 said) but I kind of like yours. Mind if I add it to my magick inventory? Does it matter which bodily fluids?
>>747 Theres all sorts of bodily fluids honey
>>750 Bitches don't know bout my breath mist jar.
In further consideration gasses and solids will ve fine, but may result in different outcomes.
>>749 get out of my miiiiiiiiiind fake op
>>762 You didn't even post the sigil I was talking about in the OP. You are a total poser and should be ashamed!
>>763 I am ashamed but its for unrelated reasons thank you very much
>>764 Here's some tru kvlt NSBM to impress your friends with