/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Anyone practice discordian magick? I got a cool sigil I've been playing with.
What does it do?
Replies: >>733
Removes the concept of timezones.
Replies: >>742
Ok, I'll try it and come back with results in couple of weeks.
OK im op that reply wasnt me and the picture I posted wasnt the sigil lol. Thats from the game yume 2kki
Replies: >>746 >>749 >>749
Screenshot_20200929-025305_Autodesk SketchBook.jpg
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Stfu, that's the sigil now. Here's one I made, no idea what it's for, but you should all sacrifice bodily fluids for it weekly and report if you notice anything at all happening.
Replies: >>747 >>749
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but i already offer my bodily fluids to Eris!
Replies: >>750
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At least put effort into imitating me. This post is just an insult and barely funny.

It was my adopted sigil actually (from yume 2kki, like >>744 said) but I kind of like yours. Mind if I add it to my magick inventory? Does it matter which bodily fluids?
Replies: >>762
Theres all sorts of bodily fluids honey
Replies: >>751
Bitches don't know bout my breath mist jar.
In further consideration gasses and solids will ve fine, but may result in different outcomes.
get out of my miiiiiiiiiind fake op
Replies: >>763
You didn't even post the sigil I was talking about in the OP. You are a total poser and should be ashamed!
Replies: >>764
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I am ashamed but its for unrelated reasons thank you very much
Replies: >>765
Here's some tru kvlt NSBM to impress your friends with
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