/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Masters can govern themselves and require no people.
Replies: >>1045 >>1264
"The breath of heaven is out of harmony, the breath of earth tangles and snarls," said Cloud Chief. "The six breaths do not blend properly," the four seasons do not stay in order. Now I would like to harmonize the essences of the six breaths in order to bring nourishment to all living creatures. How should I go about it?"

Big Concealment, still thigh-slapping and sparrow-hopping, shook his head. "I have no idea! I have no idea!"
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Take Six Deep Breaths and Clear Your Mind
How I Escaped an Anarchist Prison Camp and Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the [REDACTED]


After having read The Genocidal Zen Hermit's Guide to Solipsism, as published by the Gideons, 5th edition, I had quite the revelation. Finally, an ideology I could get behind! or try to front run… or, at the very least, have no interest in trying to run circles around. A vision came to me and I shall recount it here and now.

Popes, I say to you, as revolutions will inevitably come and go, your backs shall undoubtedly be the first against the emergency exit doors(push bar to open) and, rest assured, the alarm cables will have already been cut by [REDACTED]. 

You may be asking yourself, what about the snipers on the roof top? Well, you'll just have to run in a zig-zag fashion, but, if you approach this with the proper mindset, it can actually be a lot of fun and it's also really good exercise. It also helps if you are already adept at sparrow-hopping.
Replies: >>1043
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Take Six Deep Breaths and Clear Your Mind
How I Escaped an Anarchist Prison Camp and Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the [REDACTED]


Now, when you reach the tree line, assuming you have successfully managed to not step on any of the land mines (again, sparrow-hopping helps here), you'll still have to keep running, but not so much in a zig-zag fashion anymore, but not in a straight line either, because you might run into a tree or trip over a rock. There's no need to embarrass yourself like that.

Don't worry so much about the guard dogs that will still be in pursuit. Once you have found your way running through the forest, they will inevitably give up, turn tail, and go home, as they are only invested in this so much as to put on a show for their masters, be given treats, and receive head pats.

Eventually, after having continued to run for a while, remember it's good exercise and we could all use it, you will find yourself in an open grove, eerily quiet and illuminated by the faintest of moonlight… sorry, but you are going to have to spend the whole day running. Anyway, it is there, there where you will be met by [REDACTED] and she will give you a [REDACTED].
Replies: >>1043
This shit is so magazine worthy tbh.
Replies: >>1044
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Thanks for the upvote, Dweller. If editor likes and there's space enough, it would be an honor to see this post plagiarized there ;-)
Replies: >>1046
> Masters can govern themselves and require no people.
This is awakening tright there
If it's not in there next update, request that I get tested for dementia or death, because nothing else will stop that being added.
>Masters can govern themselves and require no people.
This sounds more like our Episkopos system.
Replies: >>1053
Wait, there's a system now?
Replies: >>1054
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Always has been.
poop can take care of itself and requires no toilet
>Masters can govern themselves and require no people.
>He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.
>Aristotle, Politics, Book I, 1253a.27 (or whatev, it sounded smart)
Yup, we either gods or beasts, butt we don't kneed no people to govern, Aristotle agrees. Now let's drink.
Replies: >>1266
Aristotle was a stupid cockface shitcunt I don't agree most of the stuff with, so I thinkbI need to retreat back to civilization as a protest. Beastgods will do fine in cities, it's just other people who suffer from it.
Replies: >>2280
Aristotle is dead, I am not, NOW WHO'S A SMARTASS NOW HUH??
Replies: >>2281
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Based on how much we all love to quote dead guys, I'm gonna go with Aristotle.
Replies: >>2282
Just another day in necrocracy.
Replies: >>2283
Is that the Phil Collins song?
If you're a boss and you need employees to do work for you, you're a shit boss. nufsed
Replies: >>2472
Massarce your employees. Automate production with chat GPT. Show them your shining BOSSGIRL ENERGY!
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