/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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This board is dedicated to the discussion of Governance, which takes precedence over the discussion of Politics.
The main purpose of this board is not about saying something is wrong, it's about seeing how it could be done right via policy.
Replies: >>639

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In the spirit of Liberty and Justice, we, the Citizens of this great land, do hereby declare our intention to sever the bonds that have shackled us to tyranny and discord. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is not only our right but our duty to alter or abolish it. 

Let it be known that we have suffered under the weight of misrule and neglect from those who would govern without regard for the welfare of their constituents. We enumerate here the grievances that compel us to take this momentous step:
    • The persistent failure to address the needs of the people.
    • The corruption that has infiltrated our halls of governance.
    • The disregard for the voices of those who seek peace and unity.
    • The imposition of laws that serve only to divide rather than unite.
Therefore, in accordance with our divine right as free individuals, we proclaim ourselves independent from any authority that does not recognize our inherent dignity and worth. We assert our sovereignty as a collective body united in purpose and resolve. 
As we embark on this new chapter in our history, let it be known that we shall strive for a government that reflects the will of its people—a government dedicated to fostering peace, prosperity, and goodwill among all nations. In this spirit, we pledge ourselves to uphold these principles with unwavering commitment. 

We, the people of these United States, in order to form a more perfect union under the benevolent rule of His Imperial Majesty, Joshua Abraham Norton I, Emperor of the United States, Protector of Mexico, and Ruler from the Incorruptible Crown of Heaven, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the governance of our realm. This document shall serve as a testament to our commitment to liberty, equality, and fraternity among all citizens under the watchful eye of our beloved Emperor. 

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Article I:
We acknowledge and affirm that Joshua Abraham Norton I is our sovereign ruler in spirit and in jest. We recognize his unique position as a symbol of eccentricity, compassion, and visionary thought. In doing so, we pledge to uphold his ideals by embracing individuality and creativity in all aspects of life.
Article II:
    1. We shall celebrate chaos as a fundamental aspect of existence. In every decision made and every action taken, we will seek to find joy in unpredictability.
    2. We commit to honoring those who dare to be different. Just as Emperor Norton walked among us with dignity despite societal norms, we shall uplift those who challenge conventions.
    3. Following Norton’s example during times of strife, we vow to act with kindness towards all beings. We will intervene against injustice with compassion rather than aggression.
    4. We recognize that community thrives on diversity and acceptance. We will foster environments where all voices are heard and valued.
Article III:
In homage to Emperor Norton’s many proclamations, we declare:
    1. The Day of Nonsense: A day each year dedicated to acts of absurdity—wherein participants engage in playful activities that defy logic and reason.
    2. The Festival of Eccentrics: An annual gathering celebrating individuals who embody the spirit of nonconformity through art, performance, and expression.
    3. The Royal Decree for Peace: A commitment from all members to actively promote peace within their communities through dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect.
Article IV: 
We shall create a system wherein acts of kindness are rewarded with “Norton Notes,” symbolic tokens representing goodwill that can be exchanged for favors or services within our community—reminding us that generosity is its own currency.
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I think USAmericans are just too burned out over being ruled by corpses. Sorry, Emperor Norton I, Defender of Mexico. Maybe try again when you're alive.

My empire will be governed by the WTFPL.
Nah governments are fake and gay

We should Deify him instead

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Replies: >>2689
Deifying and martyring the dead is the obvious endpoint of person worship. Dead people can't later fuck up or become dementèd and undo all the hard work.
Kill your heroes and turn them into gods. (Or, if murder is illegal in your jurisdiction, pick a dead person like the Norton Dynasty)
What about Boss McAfee?

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Holycow shit damn son
>It's happening again
We need to print the Damn book on the photocopier of the prosecutor of the case who is investigating the case right now!!! Holycow shit!!!!
>Go fast call the German-sino-aryan-bolivian hackers for relative infinite printing and call the society for safe fap and condoms & co. for free paper and condoms!!!!
>What the fuck going to happen now???
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Someone mindfucked their nobody and kek glowie cult lol
Replies: >>2684
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I read so much insane thing in /x/ that I don't know if it's incredible imagination, promiscuous intellectuality and culture, use of chatgpt or schizophrenia and weird cabals.
It's probably all that with glowies. Maybe.
This anon made a paracosm with /x/ and eris babble lore and chatgpt https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/20593799/#q20603989
This is... cool?
If you search in archive Narratia, more weird things appear. Sound like tulpa schizo or eris trolling lol
Replies: >>2687
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>Media virus 23
I guess the virus 23 is because it was something that discordianism influenced by the counterculture and cybernetics to be a trend among hackers.
>Although this image says that 23 it is for crowley and pagan ideas, I took it out of the archive.
Although today it is info wars and narratives that governments invade people mind and media with psyops of hackers trolls and bots. Social engineering and disinformation in short, control of political narratives.
That a politician or authority figure gives rise to these narratives can end badly. That's why twitter/x put that tab to report events or fake news.
Before it was for people to think and doubt as an act of creativity, today it is for them to think in one way or even to achieve justifiable violence.
Replies: >>2686
>Douglas Rushkoff
Don't believe him too much, he tends to exaggerate, lie or even make things up, maybe he is a guru in his niche.
>But still sound cool and OM pilled maybe? lol
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I can't decide if I like /x/ or the youtube videos about how schiz /x/ is

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Let's explore alternate governmental paradigms. No discussing existing, academically acknowledged governance systems.

Executive Referendum - At the beginning of each month, a referendum is held where every citizen of the state writes in any person's name. The most popular person is immediately arrested and executed. There are no exceptions.

Expert Jurism - Every decision that a parliament cannot reach a 2/3 super-majority on, a jury of experts relevant to the legislation topic is chosen, who decide the outcome.

Legislative Extremism - Any citizen who intentionally and without assistance removes enough blood from their body such that they fall unconscious is allowed to propose a law that requires a super-majority in parliament to deny. Each vote for the super-majority only counts if a blood sacrifice from the palm is given.

Present Property - Any property not currently in transit is shared between all people in line-of-sight. Exceptions are one government assigned property apartment block (identical to other assigned properties) and certain items deemed essentials.

Genocracy - Punishment is controlled by a hierarchical genetic chain of command.
If a child drives a car poorly and hits a stranger, their oldest-generation blood relatives decide on a punishment, lack of punishment or to abstain. If they cannot reach agreement, the decision runs off to the next generation.

Bidism - Rather than acting as a proxy, currency is a direct voting method for l
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I, smart person 5, derived a subform of epistocracy yes that's an actual academically-acceptable term not to be confused with the superior eristocracy. It's basically a qualified democratic system for use in each major vote, like referendums or electing representatives. The idea is to maximize the potential benefits of democratic decision-making, while eliminating the flaws of universal participation.

>options for a vote are determined
>a board of people representing various arguments for each option will determine a list of basic facts and arguments. this list must be factual, even when discussing opinions, and therefore should be agreeable and gain consensus from all parties on the board
>these facts are then widely published to all potential voters as an information sheet, in advance. the aim is to enable them to become informed prior to the vote with minimal effort
>when the time comes to vote, the ballot will also have a short quiz on these points
>a vote is discarded if the ballot scores less than, for example, 75% on the basic fact quiz, exposing the voter as an uninformed and therefore unreliable decision-maker
The goal of the quiz must be to include, rather than exclude, voters, only existing to filter people who clearly don't understand the basic facts of the options 
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Replies: >>2651
Even better: each voter is required to write a short (1-2 sentences) justification for their vote. If they cannot provide something approaching a justification (even "I like this guy's hair more"), or cannot write a full, intelligible sentence, their vote is discarded. For people who for some reason can't read or write, a voice recording would also suffice.

I suspect that fully half of all cast votes would be rejected.
Replies: >>2652
This is more effective of a gate, although it does require manual checking (so it's more suitable to smaller elections rather than hundreds of thousands of voters) and is more open to subjective interpretation. A multiple-choice quiz can be put through a cheap machine that goes rrrrb and gives satisfying dings when a ballot passes. Ding! Imagine it...

>I suspect that fully half of all cast votes would be rejected.
I don't know about other countries' stats, but official illiteracy rates in the US of A are already at around 20%. They don't measure dumbass rates but we can make an estimated guess and say they're higher than 420chan.
Where I live (not burgertown) the ballots are shocking and I believe you. But keep in mind, the reason for the openness and the information sheet is an effort to give an opportunity to educate people who care, and increase the valid vote count without compromising the integrity.
Real caste systems have never been tried and slavery should make a comeback. It has been said that at this point in history 98% of the labor force could simply stop working and be supported by the remaining 2% due to automation. Big if true, since the implications are that we could collectively enslave the families of the 1% godzillionaire class to metaphorically pick our cotton for us from here to eternity, with the remaining work done on a voluntary basis by elements from the other 99% of the population who would rather spend their time as productive artisans rather than idling away in perpetual neetdom. Perhaps the 1% have backed themselves into a corner here? Perhaps we must stop clutching our pearls and firmly grasp the whip handle instead?
Replies: >>2673
spoiler: it never left.jpg
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>slavery should make a comeback

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Which politician you vote for?
>Regardless of the country.

If Ie were born in the United States of America Ie would vote for this man called Santa Claus.
My religion tells me that it's almost an obligation when Ie see his image.
Like when old ladies and mothers vote for the most physically and sexually attractive politician.
Plus I'm sure the kids love him and he must be involved in some conspiracy with machine elves.
I don't get the feeling that Greyface's curse has taken hold of him.
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phase 2.webp
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Make America Ocean Begin!
Make America Ocean Begin!
Just think of the new shipping routes!
Replies: >>2666 >>2667
oooo, economy likey
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>Just think of the new shipping routes!
orlando is on the map even though it is under water. disney corporation could find new ways to lose money running the worlds first all underwater theme park!
>Indeed, during his 2022 congressional run, political analysts noted that, optically, campaigning against 'Santa' would be challenging. In spite of this, competing candidate Josh Revak willingly characterised his own campaign as "waging a war on Santa", calling Claus' policies "Marxist fantasies".
Replies: >>2669
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4206 - bourgeoisie capitalism china christmas meta lowres santa_claus.png
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If history has taught us anything, our best rulers were never elected, nor sought authority through might or trickery. They simply said what they were and we permitted them. Emperor Norton I and the Lord Bloody Wog Rolo are unparalleled parallels.


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In a way, aren't we kind of lucky the grayfaces of the world can be so stingy about legalizing drugs? 

The real dilemma for them is that they could loosen restrictions on stuff that distracts people from shitty living situations and be treated like they're progressive without really having to make an effort towards improving anything, but then they might get shit for being progressive and from people complaining about line cooks being baked.
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It's not cool if it's legal.
Replies: >>2410

Dude, prohibitions gtfo, I'm sirius MUH hizzles. Whatchoo talkin aboot.

So mjuch corruption and death and pain from the darn prohibition era shit. It needs to stop.
Replies: >>2420
but Black Dynamite.webm
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>person smokes weed and drinks
>represses shit
>person then takes acid
>unrepresses shit
im intelligent btw

I endorse this post. Massively. 223%edly. HELL why not 1776%edly! My LORD! Thankyou GOD (actual one) that someone out there thinks SANELY.

I know I need to sound better here, its a work in progress I started last night. 



thankyou for teh signz approval lady.

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Why don't governments impose a ban on alcohol? It's clearly bad for your body, it costs the government more money in lost productivity and crime than they'll ever recover in taxes and other revenue… Why do they persist in keeping it legal?
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Replies: >>2629
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true web design.webp
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These are the laziest scams I've seen in my life.
Even if they weren't all posted together, but this just makes it funnier.
Replies: >>2627
What do you expect from the incandescent?
Btw nice double repeating numbers there
Replies: >>2628
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The incandescent are professional, well-resourced. This is just lumpen scam. The scum of the scams. Begging, really.
>>2587 (OP) 
I have a theory that prohibition never happened. It's just a myth that Big Booze uses to keep the money flowing.
Replies: >>2630
My theory is that prohibition didn't happen, it's a mythology built by a coalition of cannabis users to try and justify their legality to lawmakers, to claim it's futile to prohibit them.
Meanwhile, dealers thrive on the illegal status, so they work closely with morality groups like Christian extremists to keep it banned. Follow the money!

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What is a G.n.o.s.t.i.c.?
>Order (of)
I was tired of the limited options available and in fighting within the left hand path. I'm not against Kabbalahistic teachings, I learned something else from Europe that wasn't from those books. I don't consider it my personal favorite, yet I can use it as a reference and appreciate what I learned but never practiced their way.
>I don't care how your C, K, or Q variants go in different directions either. They're not for me.
There is an Anarcho-Monarchist theme between three books that are separate.
>I'm not gonna pay for them either, they're public domain
The so-called "Lesser" Key attributed to Solomon, The (allegedly) false hierarchy of Demons, and The Infernal Dictionary are all about the same subject matter.
>Every dæmon (demon or genius) is royalty
>Every one of them has artwork
>All have invocations, etc..
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Replies: >>2621
Well if you prefer eating your dogmas cold...
Replies: >>2622
dude i love dogmas every individual square mile should have its own dogma
Replies: >>2623
A dogma in every mile!!
A dogma in every mile!!
very true, Abrahamism isn't for this pope. 
sounds fuckin dumb
fertility? lmao, very dumb

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Is it all a glowie in the dark operation to see how the population reacts?
Replies: >>2612
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>>2611 (OP) 
or... well...
she does not glow in the dark.
she is the darkness.
or she is a ninja *snort*
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Yes yes, everything is under control, you have no freedom, go to sleep sheep dude
Celebritism itself is the operation. Actually, noyes, philanthropism is the operation. There are a few operations going on at the same time.

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the televangelists turn me on, the problem is that I want to turn them off.
how is your sexual relationship with the government?
I just want a erisian trad wife and live la vida loca.
Replies: >>2608 >>2609
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>I just want a erisian trad wife
Pope, I...
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>>2603 (OP) 
stop it
get some help
pls stop being so horny.
you can be some horny but no to much horny
for example, do you think an anthropomorphic cat with two tails is sexy? if so, you don't need help.
you just need an anthropomorphic cat with two tails. it's very simple and very common fetish
my psychoanalytic sexologist confirmed it to me.
but why a televangelist that look like a gender-bender of trump?
that not hot that too much hot... like you know...
im a man... and she is a maaam *snif* is the tao of horny
Replies: >>2609
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>>2603 (OP) 
>A anthropomorphic cat and a televangelist walk into a bar
Aaaaaa!!! I have an erection!!!!

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