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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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waffle law.png
(495.8KB, 482x788)
Francois I, king from 1494–1547, of whom it was said les aimait beacoup (loved them a lot), had a set of waffle irons cast in pure silver. His successor, Charles IX enacted the first waffle legislation in 1560, in response to a series of quarrels and fights that had been breaking out between the oublieurs. They were required "d'être au moins à la distance de deux toises l'un de l'autre. " (to be no less than 4 yards from one to the other).
Replies: >>1962
this is a good law.
fuck the civil code, let's have waffle laws instead.
waffle vendors must stick apart
Replies: >>18 >>357
Replies: >>22
how the fuck is there a song for literally everything
it's not even half bad
french toast sticks apart
(104KB, 469x337)
I wish I had some sweet sweet waffles.
Replies: >>1968
lmao how is this a real thing?
(181.6KB, 985x865)
>I missed Waffle Wednesday again
Replies: >>1988
savory bacon waffle attacked!?
Replies: >>1984
itll b ok!
The tricky thing is that it isn't on a wednesday :/
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