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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(76.5KB, 414x662)
What is going on with European "blue" parties
>blue is democrat color
>so blue is commie party color
>blue parties in europe are conservative
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>commie party color
the US Democrat and Republican parties did a switcheroo sometime around the start of the 20th century just to confuse everyone. It helps that there is no meaningful difference between the names or, fundamentally, what the parties stand for (surprise, they're fronts for the rich and powerful!)
Replies: >>1213 >>1216
America hasn't been a democracy for a long time lmao
Replies: >>1213
Exuse me but we are discussing european blue parties here, stop americaposting >:c
Replies: >>1214
your thread sucks
Replies: >>1215
Make a better one
Wait you mean republican party used to be communist??? That explains why they have been undermining American Values for years. Who would have guessed the Enemy has infiltrated our society so deep without anyone noticing!
Replies: >>1217
you're a little loud
Another thing I don't get is why European Union has a blue flag while everyone knows it is a communst plot to degrade national identity and abolish white race.
Replies: >>1226
>abolish white race
based as fuck
Replies: >>1235
Kill yourself shitskin
Replies: >>1236 >>1248
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Oh you poor fragile whiteys can't even take a joke without getting all edgy.
Replies: >>1242
come back once you've passed the IQ test
Replies: >>1244
Oh my dear, you don't "pass" an IQ test, you get "a score". Besides, because the only association you can come up when mocking black people is the rusty, dusty and stale "muh IQ", I'm pretty confident I'd measure up fine against you That is if you aren't one of those idiot savant types who understand abstract geometrical scribbles on a paper better than the real world, in which case I truly do not envy you.
Replies: >>1249
(888.5KB, 2555x2555)
Awwww, is the bleached baby triggered about going extinct in ten years?
Replies: >>1249
that's the joke you dumb nigger
that picture is heresy and oughta get you banned
Replies: >>1250
Yea tbh Eris being a greek deity the chances of her being blonde are pretty slim.
Replies: >>1251
The chance of a nigger having blonde hair is a lot slimmer tbh
Replies: >>1252
Weren't the greek supposed to be the basis of whole western culture. Keep it together bud.
Replies: >>1253 >>1254
Good thing niggers never even developed culture. You'd need civilization for that.
Replies: >>1257
That's a lie. The "West" was completely ignorant of the ancient Greeks until they were introduced to them by the "East" (Byzantine and the Arabs) around the time of the first crusades.
Yea, neither did white people, aliens came down to central european woods and built all the castles. What's your point?
Replies: >>1261
Not that Pope (I'm a Cabbage), but are those the same aliens that stuck those sky scrapers in my backyard? If so, fuck them. Short sighted party crashers with a culture masquerading as a civilization masquerading as a culture masquerading as dime store fnord. Fuck them to Dysnomia and back.
Replies: >>1263
We should make our first priority to go up there and erect useless monuments all over their lands. That'll show them!
Replies: >>1273
What'st the use of that?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
Replies: >>1283
Well they must've had a proper reason so it has to be a good thing to do.
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