/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(80.6KB, 866x600)
Is this board a fed honeypot? Tell me the truth.
The Discordian Society can't be a federation because secession is allowed and encouraged
Why would feds have so many honeypots? Are they bees?
(165.1KB, 1365x910)
What makes you think it would be? Post less cringe dictators next time pls.
Replies: >>1308
Yes. It is.
No it's more like a hang-out spot for federal agents. We pretend we're "monitoring extremists" it but in reality we're just shitposting.
Dictators are not real. Dictatorship is a misnomer.
Replies: >>1527
Yes. This is an underwater Bavarian basket weaving forum.
(561KB, 1909x1000)
Never figured Xi for much of a discordian.
Replies: >>1526
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the Greyface club is two blocks down
This. We have a wonderful admin here on this site who holds all the power, yet we don't call him a dictator!
Save Our Souls
Replies: >>1532
(759KB, 726x920)
>We have a wonderful admin here on this site
Yes, The Emperor of Erischan and Protector of Kielbasa is one of those rare exceptions to the rule.
Replies: >>1529
>Protector of Kielbasa
even though it's practically a container board
Replies: >>1530
(538.2KB, 1500x1000)
>even though it's practically a container board
the same has been said of mexico
Replies: >>1531
>thinks the american wall is to keep people out and not to keep people in
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I've been waiting for like a month.
They dont dictate shit.

Anyway, you like my quill?
Replies: >>1533
what would they dictate?
I hope so, I'd love to red pill some people on the sinside.
Replies: >>1879
U couldn't redpill your mother even if she loved u hon.
>Asking feds to tell the truth about fed honeypots
if the confederacy had won would feds be called confeds?
Replies: >>1901
ain't it time to stop thinking about that shit already. Confederacy getting their ass handed to them is one of the rare sparks of joys in midsts of depressing history of humankind. You could start your alternate reality larp at any other point if you had any imagination, rather than sucking in conservative cultural brainwashing waves stuck in their fantasy version of past where them being lazy and stupid would be regocnized as a virtue.
Replies: >>1902
dude shut the fuck up about that historical bullshit i'm trying to be funny
Replies: >>1905
You are, don't worry.
Don't think so
Replies: >>1965
Clearly a new user and a fucking idiot.
Replies: >>1969
what's your problem? lol
Replies: >>1970
I'm not the one who walked in here without hosing off the mud and spreading misinformation that we aren't a botnet. You get the respect you give.
Let's see, can I post from a Tor exit?
Replies: >>1972
Why yes, I can! Based on this:

This place is not a honeypot.

This place is a honeypot.

Yeah probably. And if not this site itself I would not be surprised if a large portion of people who spam boards like this with cp links are feds, or something of the sort
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