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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Male genocide thread!

How would you go about it? We clearly got enough sperm frozen up so it would cause no real harm to society. We'd just need to preserve one or too to open the lids that are too tight and it would be utopia.

Pls no debate about if the goal is desirable, if the reasons aren't obvious to you, you are clearly a man and biased about this whole thing.
one or two? those guys would be in massive demand. Probably would cause a patriarchy again. Better to simply leave the lids unopened, sweaty.
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Cattle farms were a prototype for milking males.
Replies: >>1350
Stop cooking for them. Everyone will starve except the chefs, who already have tons of experience opening jars.
Replies: >>1352
She's a big girl.
Replies: >>1492
That's a good suggestion! I was also thinking about not doing their emotional labor for them anymore  but that maybe makes them unstable and hard to control? IDK really, anybody got any experience about getting masses of men killed. There's got to be historical examples about this the male historians are hiding. We just need a kind of natural disaster dispropionately affecting men… I wonder…
Replies: >>1365
If we kill all the men, there won't be any men left to kill all the men! And that's terrible.
Replies: >>1371
Women are literal rapemeat and should be fucked pregnant before being tossed aside in a ditch at the side of the road.
Nothing intelligent ever came out of a woman's mouth. Their only worth is their womb.
There are unironically cunts that believe they're "enslaved" in the modern western world. They wish. Cunts were better off then, back when they were still considered spoils of war without global moralfag intervention.
Replies: >>1371 >>1403
Why are you so angry?
Replies: >>1372
my thread got invaded with posts that should've been in this thread.
Replies: >>1374 >>1385 >>1403
This here is a fine example about how men are uncivilized and wholly unfit to work as a part of a functional society. What a waste of breastmilk.
Replies: >>1375
Invaded? No-one spoke about male genocide in your thread to my knowledge.
Kill yourself
Replies: >>1376 >>1403
Getting you so angry over a joke makes my life enjoyable in a way you cannot even imagine. Giving that pleasure up would not be in my best interests. You on the other hand could consider fucking off to some miserable incel circlejerking website instead of polluting our lovely community with your presence. They'd be sure to understand your pain better.
Replies: >>1377
>polluting our lovely community with your presence.
I've been here since the start. You leave.
Replies: >>1378
Then you had all the time in the world to get it, and clearly cannot. Why keep hanging around in a place causing you so much frustration? I've been here from the start also and I've found my time here throughly satisfying.
Replies: >>1379
Get what? You're the only one concluding I'm frustrated.
Thinking the same way as you do isn't the path to salvation.
Replies: >>1380
Your default response to encountering something you don't argee with is to start spewing out the most boring kind of hate speech. You are fucking embarrasing and making us look bad in association. If you need to be a dipshit try even be creative about it. There's so many websites where the mass of the communication consists of people competing on how often they can fit the n-word in a sentence it's tiresome. Stop being such a boring slag, you're a pope after all. Act like it.
Replies: >>1381 >>1756
I'm being unoriginal in response to an unoriginal thread. You can't expect to be flinging shit and get none in you.
It's an apt response. This thread is retarded and deserves no better.
Replies: >>1382
Well that's like your opinion. I'm very happy to be flinging shit since at least I don't completely suck at it. I don't even have to go for slurs since I can tell you that your breath smells like you've been preserving your collection of weird colored stool in there for years.
Replies: >>1383
Those unoriginal comments of calling you an utter worthless nigger seem to hit you hard, considering how they upset you so. There's no such thing as "quality shit"
Replies: >>1384
For fuck's sakes. I've been calling u angry crybaby for like 5 posts straight and NOW you go for the "no u". This has never been about hurting you, I'm not a sadist. I'm just mocking you for having a shit brain. I'd love to see you get better.

It seemms like you take really hard the percieves attacks against your gender. This has been a pattern, you cannot deny it. Still, you think it's ok to go around mocking other groups with no provocation. Yea, most people can just shrug it off like it's nothing, but you gotta take to account that some people, maybe you also, are fragile, and you cannot be an asshole without having an intent to hurt people.

Idk, maybe you like hurting people, or maybe it is a defense mechanism since you feel shit and need to pass that feeling on. I don't really know, I'm not a professional. However it is, I'm a toxic AF motherfucker and you manage to make it seem like being shit towards you is the right thing to do. Like, at least I'm bullying a bully, right?

Of course all this is just gonna whiff past you without you processing it since you are all in combat mode. Oops.
Replies: >>1387
Not your thread. Read the contract, nerd.
she looks like me.jpg
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>over-emotional males getting triggered by male genocide
aww they're so cute when they're offended.
Replies: >>1390
No way i'ma read all of that shit bro
just stop making annoying threads.
You're shoveling shit for nothing.
Replies: >>1388
>being this unable to read
Explains a bunch.
You know I'm doing this for sport right?
Replies: >>1389
sure, sport
Replies: >>1391
Imagine getting triggered by such harmless banter. It's not like we'd ever actually do it *wink*
What about the concept of people being mean over the internet for fun goes over your head?
Replies: >>1393
I believe you were the one saying something about "polluting our lovely community with your presence."
Replies: >>1395
Oh gawd, what a hypocrite I am.
Replies: >>1396
Hypocrites go in the radiation chamber as well.
Replies: >>1400
Can I have a can of pepper spray with me since we all are gonna die anyway?

hmm, so your plan is to kill all the men by having such a low IQ that they collectively become too retarded to breathe by the law of averages? Bold move.
Replies: >>1406
my plan is to kill myself if i have to suffer any more of this shit
Replies: >>1409 >>1410
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that's the spirit! Take the male genocide one step at a time!
If you're serious, please call a help line, this site isn't good for therapy.
If I tell you she's male will you die?
Replies: >>1493
If I told you I don't care will you accidentally fall down 3 floors of stairs into a septic tank and drown while whistling the national anthem of sri lanka?
Replies: >>1494
Poor Sri Lanka, always getting used as a generic "random place". Why can't people use somewhere like Tajikstan or Camaroon?
Replies: >>1495
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when i was young i had a friend who's dad would always use abu dhabi when he wanted to reference a generic "random place" because of garfield and how nermal would be sent to vacation there. my friend and i were even threatened with vacations to abu dhabi on several occasions. that particular patriarchy was replete with such repressive dad jokes.
Replies: >>1504
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I thought that said Abu Ghraib until I realized time is linear here.
Replies: >>1506
abu gharfield.png
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>time is linear here.
There are three types of lies… lies, damned lies, and linear time… actually, there are probably more then that, but it would be statistically impossible to list them all here.
Two nations, one of all males, one of all females, on some occasion, they get together to produce children, both sides crossbreed for the sake of it, later, the children are given out to each of the nations according to their sex, before the nations separate again to continue until the next time arrives for their needs of producing another generation.

Otherwise, any man who set foot on female nations land or any woman who se5 foot on male nations land is killed on sight.

Both nations are made of a higher caste that serve as warriors and philosophers and kings/queens, while the rest of the society is propped up by slavery (think exactly like Sparta, but with only one sex).

There's also homosexuality, a lot of homosexuality, which frequently takes the form of older mentors being partnered with their younger students. Pederasty or Korephilia, depending on the national sex. Yes, both nations are full of pedophiles.
Replies: >>1520 >>1521
So these are the amazons and their lesser known reproductive partners,  the gargarians, both of which produce a heavily militaristic state consisting of but one sex, relying upon an alliance between the two to keep themselves going.

It worked out well, until heracles snuck onto themyscira the island of the amazons, by dressing as dressing a woman.

He unintentionally seduced the queen hippolyta into giving him her belt in exchange for being smuggled off the island, resulting in her tragic accidental death at the hands of her sister.

Due to Hercules being mistaken for a gargarian (because the bargains were the only men the amazons had known of) and the blame being placed for the whole event on their gargarian allies.

The new queen (sister of the old one) was not very bright and very war loving, this led to betrayal at the next meeting between the two nations with a massive ambush abd massacre of gargarians (who saw this as occurring for no reason), and they decided to strike back in turn, leading to a battle of the sexes, which both sides eventually lost, it was a case of mutual destruction.

Hercules, the one responsible for the end of these two once proud nations of war, was oblivious to the chain of events he set in motion, and simply carried on with his labors.
>nation consisting of only men
How would that even work? They'd drown in their dishes in a week.
Replies: >>1522
That's what the feminine men and general managers are for.
Replies: >>1523
are you saying that this country is a Twinkocracy?
There is simply to much sand in vaginas in thread
Replies: >>1545
Well how about cleaning your fucking dick before sticking it in lol?
Replies: >>1546
It's just gonna get filthy again when you stick it in. what's the point?
Replies: >>1547
Then you would be taking filth out rather than putting more in. Dicks are easier to wash so that's a great way to glean your vagina. Dip it in, pull it out, wash it , repeat. They even sell those handy scrubbing condoms to maake the prpcess faster.
Replies: >>1559
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I can't believe some idiot in here is actually trying to defend males. Hilarious and pathetic.
Replies: >>1557 >>1558 >>1560
it's not a real TAKE ACTION.png unless it has an embedded tar file that contains a bunch of info about anuses
Replies: >>1562
I make my own, it's not that hard. All you need is some plaster, high-quality latex, some pipe cleaners, and toothpaste for that minty fresh feel
Humans are the parasites on the surface of earth, men are doing gods work by killing humans!
Replies: >>1561
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Replies: >>1562
Damn, you're right.


The frankenstein controls parroting puppet worldwide communist gangster computer god made him redundant. Put F in your prayers to make sure Eris doesn't suffer the same fate. Boycott /robogoddess/.
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more evidence for male inferiority
Oh wow haha, what a good joke haha I wouldn't ever want to live in a society where women degrade me, forcing me to behave like a good boy doing house chores haha
>You are fucking embarrasing and making us look bad in association
As an outsider who was linked to this site, you're all very unlikable.
Also, in a fight against women, men would win. Women's only defense is men's unwillingness to do so.
Replies: >>1818
But where will you get seeds from when the seeders are dead? Is the extinction of humanity part of your plan?
Replies: >>1817
Frozen sperm you seething fucking idiot. Also a percentage of babies will be born male, and can be used to gather sperm before the gender correction or disposal.
For years now warfare has for long been more about technology than muscles, if women were educated about shooting, artillery and bombardment to the extent the men were, they would fare at least comparatively to men, outshined by the one huge strategic advantage women have: they don't need to capture their enemies alive to make more fighters.
Replies: >>1825
no, they can't even live in the woods as a group. hierarchy and discipline is something that needs to be imposed on them by men. education is also just an excuse. all the information is already available, but men are naturally drawn towards it
Replies: >>1829
>Doesn't know that women only communities exist
>Doesn't know scary old ladies exist
>Thinks men are naturally conscripted into the armies around the world
You are a prime example of male stupidity. Do you really think you would have a chance?
Replies: >>1837
>Doesn't know that women only communities exist
With the help of technology made by men. 

Maybe you should move to one, you annoying dyke.
Replies: >>1838
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