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Female enslavement thread

If we put their worthless emotional baggage aside, I'm sure we can use their body for much more productive things.
Please limit your posts to constructive comments only.
Replies: >>1362
You're a bit late, they were enslaved thousands of years ago.
Replies: >>1358
Yeah, it was a mistake to stop enslaving them thousands minus one years ago.
Replies: >>1361
Congratulations! You've reached the peak stupid, now feel free to step into this barrel for your trip back down.
Replies: >>1362
Excuse me, please read the original post >>1353, it specifically states this thread is for constructive comments only.
Replies: >>1363
I offered to kick the barrel down, that counts as constructive.
Replies: >>1366
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>I'm sure we can use their body for much more productive things
Such as male enslavement
Replies: >>1366
Hold on, let me go to that thread and shit it up too so we're even.
Replies: >>1368

Go ahead.
Replies: >>1370
Alright, I'm back.
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>male enslavement thread: objective consideration about the obsolete role of males in a society and discussion of potential ways to achieve this socially beneficial goal
>woman enslavement thread: its just emotional whining because the last thread triggered some moid
Even if men didn't commit over 90% of crime, we would still exterminate them for their whiny feels crap.
Replies: >>1394
Holy fuck, do you seriously believe this yourself?
Replies: >>1399
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girls are hot and are for fuck
Men are scum.png
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FBI Crime in the U.S. 2019, Table 42
Men commit approximately 90% of murder, over 95% of rapes and nearly 90% of theft. These statistics show a similar trend in most other nations.
Men clearly need to die for the sake of society.
I think you'd be committing mass murder if you killed all men.
Also think of the abortions.
Replies: >>1402 >>1407
It's not murder. It's self-defense.
Abortions are a woman's choice anyway so who cares. Think of all the children who won't be raped, robbed and murdered by men.
Replies: >>1404
lol shut your mouth hole
Replies: >>1412
genocide is just post-partum abortion. Therefore, by the maxim "my body my rules", all mothers have the right to kill their sons, but they can only kill their daughters if they're not pregnant (otherwise they would be committing involuntary abortion by proxy)
Replies: >>1408
by the maxim "bend over or i kill you" you should shut the fuck up and take it.
Replies: >>1411 >>1412
oh my, I've never had another man in my succulent boipucci before.
Replies: >>1413 >>1416
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Aww, look who can't handle facts "like a man"! Guess the stereotype was patriarchal bullshit after all!
we're still deciding what to do with feminine boys, so you'd better fucking behave.
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girls look hot in uniform but are bad at being leaders
Replies: >>1417 >>1419 >>1420
stop simping
Replies: >>1419
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I don't get what's up with all the hot female nazi officers. Were they just cum dumps for the CO's?
You're the one lusting after my ass bruv
Replies: >>1421
She'd be better than the last nazi leader. Boy hormones and feels lead to so many mistakes that he left his city to die and killed himself.
Replies: >>1421
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Wut? It's just mostly an artistic niche for nazi anime girls to exist. In reality the germans loathed women in the army and there were none.
Replies: >>1424 >>1427
Women are beautiful. Men who try to look beautiful are either feminine or grotesque.
Replies: >>1428
>In reality the germans loathed women in the army and there were none.
No wonder they lost to the reds! Commie men get the neutering shears as well, but at least they recognized women hold up the sky.
Replies: >>1426
Why's this place filled with angry butch lesbians anyway
Imageboards are literally born from men posting porn on newsgroups.
Replies: >>1428 >>1430 >>1438
(35.5KB, 274x329)
Replies: >>1433
>In reality the germans loathed women in the army and there were none.
Several women were hanged as part of the Nuremberg trials. Obviously practice did not align with theory. Nazis were a bunch of hypocritical lowlifes so obviously they'd have no problem "promoting" their whores.
Replies: >>1429
this isn't your boring old regular imageboard. Discordia is a mirror.
(15.4KB, 209x311)
>Several women were hanged as part of the Nuremberg trials.
Not the nuremberg trials. Only men were accused in the nuremberg trials.
Later one butch nurse who was in charge of some concentration camp got arrested but was later freed.
Replies: >>1432 >>1432
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>Imageboards are literally born from men posting porn on newsgroups.
And that's why they're shit and you're here instead.
Women have always been on imageboards. Even some of the initial mods of 4chan were born women. They just don't announce their pretense to that sperg males don't derail every topic
Replies: >>1431
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>And that's why they're shit and you're here instead.
This is an imageboard.
Replies: >>1434
my bad, not Nuremberg.
Replies: >>1435
old Abba.jpg
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Replies: >>1436
Keen observational skills there mate.
(146.2KB, 1080x1071)
Yeah, I don't think anyone is disputing that there were some women who helped out in the camps and in the general SS and whatnot, just usually not ground combat divisions. Even the fuckin volkssturm didn't focus on enscripting girls
(18.3KB, 450x382)
pretty much this. they like to deflect but the stats are undeniable.
Replies: >>1439
I finished all my work for the week and I noticed that funny stuff was happening.
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yeah men are violent crude animals
go cry about it
Replies: >>1440 >>1442
Well we tried to have a constructive discussion about how to solve the man-question, but it turns out just making fun of them is more fun.
Replies: >>1443
(141.5KB, 832x1000)
statistics show that women prefer violent dominant men, with at least half of em fantasizing about being raped.
Men might be stupid brutes, but women are just as stupid for falling in love with them.
Replies: >>1452
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>makes thread whining about male genocide
>"go cry about it"
Men never cease to amaze me. But the will cease soon.
Replies: >>1445
women should just post tits, that would make all of this so much easier
Replies: >>1444 >>1446
>admitting you're wrong: the thread
Replies: >>1447
(496.5KB, 1800x1800)
>I can't believe people have different opinions to me
Replies: >>1450
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well, yes. Tits do make life easier.
Replies: >>1448
women couldn't kill all men if they tried, but if they did they'd be missing out on all the cocksucking they love to do.
anon why did you post a thumbnail
Replies: >>1449
(74.4KB, 255x255)
that is a very good question. I think the answer is that I accidentally downloaded thumbnails instead of whole images from the eris porn dump thread. Wew
Replies: >>1451 >>1456
>oh no im wrong, better post pedophilia!
at least women can hold a conversation. men are slaves to sex already, genocide is merely liberation.
Replies: >>1455
(67.1KB, 170x255)
well hold up THIS one is not a thumbnail
just WHAT in the tarnation is going on here???
Replies: >>1456
Science under patriarchy really cannot give accurate results even if you didn't misrepresent the data.
Replies: >>1456 >>1457 >>1459
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I love being wrong. It's better than being whatever the fuck kinda abomination you are.
Replies: >>1463
well they're still weirdly smol. I thought I had a big Eris porn stash but it turns out to be a big pile of crap :(
but you can easily correct for this by misinterpreting the data in a different way.
Replies: >>1460
(244.8KB, 500x440)

Wait shit.. How did ya know???
Replies: >>1462
can you name one matriarchy at least
Well this at least explains your self-hate.
Replies: >>1465
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what if all girls agreed we live in a matriarchy so they can show their tits and all men agreed we live in a patriarchy so they can look at girl's tits and never tell each other
Replies: >>1467
don't worry honeybun, all my hate is reserved only for you
Ain't loli illegal in texas?
Replies: >>1471
I don't live in texas but I don't think it's enforced
Replies: >>1472 >>1473
it's about time we started forcing people to live in Texas, I say!
Replies: >>1474
Yea makes sense, imageboards probably made that shit practically legal everywhere.
>it's about time we started forcing people to live in Texas, I say!
t. some politician from california
Got a report for the images in this thread.
Common law applies in the United States.
"United States v. Handley" sets the precedence for this kinda stuff.
That's how the judges interpret it, I won't make much more of it.
Common law is stupid.
Replies: >>1476 >>1478
U.S. Legal system loves to have their pedos pent-up and sexually frustrated. Makes for better sob stories.
Replies: >>1477
If they allow em to have lolicon I think they do away with that sexual frustration.
Replies: >>1479
I mean, whether or not it's illegal isn't very relevant to whether or not it should be on the board.
But w/e
Replies: >>1480 >>1481
Handley lost tho
Replies: >>1480
He declared guilty, plus there were other charges. I dunno, I only care what the judge says the precedence is.
I agree it's a bit of a distraction, but anyone is free to post what they want.
That's kinda shit some people get very uncomfortable from seeing, but we allowed gore last time a sperg got triggered so I'd assume most people here are already kinda desensitized.
Replies: >>1482
When I created the boards I didn't really specify anything about NSFW/SFW, so every board is NSFW. It's not something I want to have to monitor all the time anyway.
The fundamental issue with enslavement is that it is only worth doing if somebody else raises the slave. Breeding slaves almost never works, capturing them is the only profitable way.
Replies: >>1485
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So raise them yourself
Replies: >>1486
But that's what I am saying, it is not worth to raise them yourself.
Replies: >>1487
Sure it can be. You can influence them even if you're only around them for a short time since you're the only father figure. If you switch out girls everday you can raise plenty girls per week. 5 to 10 different girls each day, every week. You just gotta create a pressured environment where they're expected to do something
Men are society. They're overwhelmingly represented among essential jobs and are mostly the ones driving innovation in automation. To have the work of men not benefit them in the end would no different than common thievery, assuming women wouldn't go backwards if left to their own devices.
Replies: >>1759 >>1773
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>To have the work of men not benefit them in the end would no different than common thievery
indeed comrade!
Replies: >>1773
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>wahh men are being exploited economically by evil women!
Cry more, Menshevik. The day men automate themselves out of existence will mark the epoch of a glorious, vitalized humanity.
Speaking of common thievery, guess which sex is most responsible for it by far? Men. You cannot find a single statistic contradicting this.
Men are the biggest perpetrator of all categories of anti-social behavior. Are you afraid to realize that men are the biggest group destroying the abomination they call a society?

I suppose letting them live in space might be an acceptable compromise if the liberals get cold feet.
Replies: >>1812
this is due to systemic racism against the male race
Replies: >>1781 >>1782
Yes, but the effort needed to change the system is too much for my zoomer brain. Male genocide is totally simple, streamlined and uncomplicated solution with absolutely no unforeseen complications.
Replies: >>1782
beethoven btfo.png
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Exactly, but it's more complex than people think. See, patriarchal society is racist against the male race while tricking them into thinking they're empowered by it. It's a self-perpetuating pyramid cult.

Women who think the problem is solved by killing all the men are naïve, even if understandably passionate.
The true cause is elements of contemporary masculinity, and the trap that women and men alike (such as >>1781 ) fall into is thinking that chopping the biggest head of the hydra will kill it.
Counter-case: "lesbian toxic masculinity" as an established phenomenon.

The proposed solution at this point in time is spreading awareness, killing or separating all 'alpha males', and detonating thermonuclear weapons across all three major cities in the nation of Chad.
Replies: >>1785
Is it also men's fault that they're practically forced to act/become an asshole to attract women?
It's widely known women's sexual preference falls with masculine/dominant men.
Replies: >>1786 >>1798
Yup. Who do you think made that "fact" widely known?
Replies: >>1787 >>1789 >>1790
masculine/dominant are terms dripping with cultural baggage. If you ever listen to what women actually tell they are attracted to you'd know it's confidence they are looking for. Then the toxic masculinity brainwashing kicks in and tells boys to act 'dominant or masculine since that is supposed to way to come off as confident, while in reality they reek of insecurity.

Trying to invoke the manly man archetype isn't attractive, people who happen to naturally close to that stereotype are more confident on average, since society keeps telling them they're doing it right.
Replies: >>1790
i'm a man and i didn't know til a woman told me
I know a misogynist bait thread is probably the worse place for a serious discussion of gender politics, but every time I've been given advice that falls under "toxic masculinity", it was from a woman. None of my male friends give a shit if I cry when I'm having a bad day, but multiple women have told me not to. >>1787 might have it right, but I don't think any amount of confidence will help if you're not attractive in some other way, and like it or not a propensity for violence is something that many women find attractive.
Replies: >>1791
>I know a misogynist bait thread is probably the worse place for a serious discussion of gender politics
It's the best one we got, so let's just embrace it.

>None of my male friends give a shit if I cry when I'm having a bad day, but multiple women have told me not to
Can you clarify if you consider these women "friends" also? To me their behaviour sounds scummy and isn't normal.

>I don't think any amount of confidence will help if you're not attractive in some other way
Everybody is attractive in some way, just not for everyone. What confidence does, it makes you present how you really are so whoever is into that can seek you out. Dating insecure people is like buying lootboxes.

>like it or not a propensity for violence is something that many women find attractive.
I don't think this is necessarily true. Again it's the action hero masculinity that is propagated by media and echoes of ancient warrior cults. Anyone who has actually been with a violent man can tell you it's shit time.

Testosterone is overhyped, but yea it's partly testosterone thing. Being violent helps to pump those levels up since imagining you could beat up everyone in the room makes you feel dominant. If society was based on series of checkers games and there was checkers propaganda everywhere glorifying checkers masters you would get just the same boost from having overconfidence in your boardgame skills.

Part of discordianism is denying the dumb social games of the grayface and inventing our own. Why should the U.S. Army decide what is considered sexy? You should know better! There's plenty of guys and gals who know this already, so find them or convince some. They are the only ones worth your time anyway.
Replies: >>1792 >>1794
can personally say I've never booked success with girls by denying their desires to be choked and spanked during sex.
Replies: >>1793
That's the best kind of sadism
>spank me
Replies: >>1794
>Everybody is attractive in some way, just not for everyone.
I just don't buy this. It's like the "everyone is intelligent in some way" line. No, some people are just stupid in every way, and some people are just unattractive in every way. Not most people, and in fact most incels I've seen aren't especially ugly, but it's just the facts of life that some people got it and some people don't.
>Anyone who has actually been with a violent man can tell you it's shit time.
I think the idea is that the warrior should be violent towards rivals but caring and affectionate towards his mate.
In most nationalistic countries it is good to have a large amount of violent young men at your disposal, so the first gets emphasized while the second gets de-emphasized. Women enter into relationships with such men because they are still socialized to expect the 'caring warrior'. They still exist of course but lots of psychos hide among them.
yeah, make 'em earn it.
Replies: >>1795 >>1796
>I just don't buy this…
Shit isn't absolute. Every human is more intelligent than my pet crocodile, and most would say more attractive, and still some people are jacking it to crocoporn. Thinking it in terms of "some people just have sexual appeal innately" is extremely unhealthy and misguided. You know people can get smarter or dumber depending on education/blunt force to head?

Regarding to the caring warrior stuff:
Different species have different sexual selection strategies which mainly fall into 2 categories, tournament species and pair bonding species. Deciding which strategy the species go for isn't entirely genetic, having both strategies expressed all over the animal kingdom suggests that most species have genes for both, getting activated or deactivated depending on the environment.

Now, the problem is, human enviroment is chaotic as fuck. Most media would tell you humans were tournament species (alpha male takes it all), and yea, some people have genetic inclination towards that stuff. Then again in reality most people at least try to form long monogamic relationships (pair bonding), many being successful and happy.

The point being, there's no one size fits all solution. Even outside those categories there's much to explore, and for humans there is no "natural" way to go about it since we haven't been natural for a while. Listening to anybody on how you should go about it is dumb since you may have no idea what kind of weirdo this world actually molded you into. Radiation is going up, it's time for mutants.
Replies: >>1796 >>1797 >>1801
To just add, "caring warrior" seems to be kind of merging of the two selection strategies not met in nature. It generally goes that males are either caring or warriors depending on species. So idea of "caring warrior" is by itself a sort of mutant.
>Every human is more intelligent than my pet crocodile
I dunno, I reckon it could beat me in a fight.
I've been asked out by three girls (and two men), dated one other, and a fifth girl explicitly said she preferred me as most preferable in the room over the absolute chad literal weight-lifter self-assured dont-give-a-fuck macho jerk guy who was actually a decent person and my friend before 20 years old and at the time I wasn't masculine or dominant at all, much closer to a nerdy nice guy. So my personal experience and basic intuition of large groups says you're a fool. Either that, or you get your information from fools.

Women aren't a hivemind of uniform preference. And nor are men, for that matter. Evidence is everywhere.
Replies: >>1800
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>media: 'girls only want to date dominant macho men who disrespect them'
>me: *embraced femininity and traps the women who mistakenly thought they were lesbians*
That's how it works when you live in places that embraced the jerkass man meme. And chad thinks he can change their mind with a 'proper dicking', ha!
Replies: >>1801
Of course "self-assuredness" isn't the only criteria. Same way men don't judge women as lifelong partners solely on the size of their tits. They have to be compatible. Of course there's no defined "default woman".
There is currently unknown what exactly causes masochism, but it's widely known that it's more prevalent in women than in men.
Sure you could reset the entirety of history or raise children in isolation to see what influences their sexuality, but even the animal kingdom has shown a higher prevalence of male-dominated hierarchies.
Males are simply built stronger. It's only natural the woman cannot overpower the man. The very question of sexual arousal might even be influenced by genetics, but more likely it's something to do with hormones.
In any case, women have a strong tendency towards erotic masochism. Failing to respond to suggestions of this (or not qualifying as a potential sadist at all) is often the cause of a failure to attract women.
Replies: >>1801
it's all relative until you pick a reference frame.
>Different species have different sexual selection strategies which mainly fall into 2 categories, tournament species and pair bonding species.
In the boring world of mammals and avians, sure. We've all got such bland reproductive cycles they're hardly worth mentioning.
>and for humans there is no "natural" way to go about it since we haven't been natural for a while
whichever way we do it is natural. Memes are just as natural as genes, the only difference is that they evolve faster.
>Listening to anybody on how you should go about it is dumb since you may have no idea what kind of weirdo this world actually molded you into.
This is true to a point. If you're getting advice like "you should wash yourself" or "you should talk to people" it's probably good advice.
get good at licking and good at dicking, then it's double trouble 8)
>but even the animal kingdom has shown a higher prevalence of male-dominated hierarchies.
>Males are simply built stronger.
again this is some mammal-centered bullshit presented like it's a natural law.
>In any case, women have a strong tendency towards erotic masochism.
>Failing to respond to suggestions of this (or not qualifying as a potential sadist at all) is often the cause of a failure to attract women.
nice unsubstantiated conjecture you have there.
Actually, it's not even unsubstantiated conjecture. It's literally just the kind of incel babbling you hear exclusively from untrustworthy people.
Replies: >>1802 >>1803
(59.5KB, 449x750)
get good at licking/? are you a FAG?????
well shit nigger, this conjecture is the most common practice. Sorry if you live in a matriarchal bubble of some sorts.
Replies: >>1804
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>if a woman doesn't want you to choke her she must be one of those feminazis dude!!
Replies: >>1805
No, it's just clear you live in a bubble, as masochistic women make up a vast majority.
Replies: >>1806 >>1808
[citation needed]
Replies: >>1807
The citation is included in your eyesight
nvm, doing your work for you:
>According to recent research, women reported fantasizing about being dominated significantly more than men (65 percent in women compared to 54 percent in men), while men reported fantasizing about dominating someone significantly more than women (60 percent in men compared to 47 percent in women). Women desired to engage in masochism significantly more than men (28 percent in women compared to 19 percent in men).
As you can read, according to this study women have slightly more masochistic fantasies, but men are not far behind. People who actually want to do that stuff are still minority. The gender differences aren't as clear cut as your arguments seem to suggest.
Replies: >>1809 >>1810
Sorry, submission fantasies*
(149.1KB, 474x474)
wanna point out that some fool will look at this and say "the majority is all of them" again which is alright to say but not to read. anyone who reads that inevitable reply should be shot. at the person who wrote it.
Good luck with that. Speaking of children, you want to kill them yourself if they're male. Your genocidal fantasies are a form of penis envy.  

>the biggest group destroying the abomination they call a society
Again, men are society. They do more of literally almost everything. And thievery has more to do with race than sex. Oddly enough, the race which commits most crime relative to populace has the highest number of single mothers in the US.
Replies: >>1813
damn, you could go to the olympics with those gymnastics skills!
Do the female slaves commit the male genocide?
Normie media informed me that today is International Women's Day. So if you have a slave, that is also an international, be sure to give it a treat or something to honor the occasion.
Replies: >>1816
Try giving them a gun
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